Elite: Game talk

27 Aug 2023, 2:49pm
Lemla KelibHi Commanders,
just posting to ask a question. I'am Elite for trading and Exploration. Now trying to level up the Combat rank. Currently "Novice" it seems like my rank is not leveling up anymore! Here is the thing: went at a ressource site wainting for "wanted ships". I destroyed 5 wanted ships (all of them at competent rank, so higher than mine), I get the bounties but no effect to my progression! Looking at my session log, it lists the destroyed ships (and bounties earned) but says "0 total destroyed ships" at the bottom!

Do I missed something? Any Idea?

Thank you commanders!

Realistically depending on their worth at the bare minimum you need to destroy around 5-6K ship to reach combat elite. And i just let you to figure out the rest of it, if this is not a bug. The bottom line? Keep fragging em like there's no tomorrow.
27 Aug 2023, 4:13pm
Minonian Realistically depending on their worth at the bare minimum you need to destroy around 5-6K ship to reach combat elite. And i just let you to figure out the rest of it, if this is not a bug. The bottom line? Keep fragging em like there's no tomorrow.

You should be right... Maybe just a question of small numbers! I will keep fragging and see...
I now just think that the "0 total destroyed ships" at the bottom of the report from the session log for combat may refer to my own ships! (no ship lost) and not total kills.
If someone could confirm?

o7 commanders
27 Aug 2023, 4:30pm
And probably the fact, some things only get updated after relogging. Check your numbers again.
28 Aug 2023, 12:11pm
hey @artie is there anywhere here on Inara where I can look at fleet carriers, too work out costs etc.... ?
28 Aug 2023, 12:21pm
Sir Sprocketthey @artie is there anywhere here on Inara where I can look at fleet carriers, too work out costs etc.... ?

I am not Artie but I think I can help you. On Inara is not that thing, but have a look here: https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/fleet-carrier-calculator
28 Aug 2023, 12:23pm
Yeah, there is no such thing as a FC planner or so, although it may be good to put some basic info into the shipyard, indeed. But, once you have your FC set, you can see quite a lot of details about it on your fleet page.
28 Aug 2023, 12:48pm
yeah - i am debating as to whether I want one or not and if I choose yes then I certainly do not want to be running and constantly funding it. SO was really looking for some form of FC calculator - to give one a planning chance on the costs of running said FC -
28 Aug 2023, 12:49pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
Sir Sprocketthey @artie is there anywhere here on Inara where I can look at fleet carriers, too work out costs etc.... ?

I am not Artie but I think I can help you. On Inara is not that thing, but have a look here: https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/fleet-carrier-calculator

28 Aug 2023, 8:41pm
JarwelHello people,

I have a problem with a friend when he manages the turret and we don't know how he can activate the turrets of my ship. Does anyone know how my friend can manage the turrets of my ship?

I have never seen how to operate this mode switch joining a ship with turrets, I am not sure it was ever added to the game despite seeing videos of it four years ago.
29 Aug 2023, 12:17pm
o7 CMDRs

Having hauled a solar systems worth of gold I am now feeling a little flush (5.5 bill) have decided that I do not yet want FC as I am off game for months at a time - so why pay....

But I want to rank up my combat and FED/Empire ranks and now want to buy my first PVE battle Anaconda. TO kill stack pirate missions etc - can I have your builds and suggestions... for a worthy PVE battle conda (Burtha -will be her name)

29 Aug 2023, 2:21pm
Sir Sprocketto7 CMDRs

Having hauled a solar systems worth of gold I am now feeling a little flush (5.5 bill) have decided that I do not yet want FC as I am off game for months at a time - so why pay....

But I want to rank up my combat and FED/Empire ranks and now want to buy my first PVE battle Anaconda. TO kill stack pirate missions etc - can I have your builds and suggestions... for a worthy PVE battle conda (Burtha -will be her name)


Nah, get T10, not Conda
29 Aug 2023, 2:34pm
You just like to torture yourself with the brick and a battle fortress that is the Type 10. I would pick the Anaconda in basically near everything over that thing.
29 Aug 2023, 2:46pm
Torturing oneself or picking the hard path, because that's the only way to get things done?
29 Aug 2023, 2:50pm
anaconda better unless u want afk ship build then go for t10. Besides i like see details of anaconda gets some beating.
29 Aug 2023, 3:09pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik

Nah, get T10, not Conda

I got one a certain - Mrs Malaprop..

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