Elite: Game talk

29 Aug 2023, 3:52pm
Conda is your all around ship what you turn into? Depends on the build. T10 if you go after a more defensible playstyle or has to deal with a swarm of gnats? That's a good choice. Where i can imagine it is an armed escort / cargo ship. You know, he's your bulky boyo whom stands in the door and nothing gets past of him, or that sort of transport vehicle mean't to carry less but more expensive things. The bottomline at both cases is the same it does not made to win athletics championship but to be that literal unmovable object.
29 Aug 2023, 6:48pm
Since when T10 is more viable than Anaconda... for anything?

T10 is called "noob trap" for a reason.

I have a T10 that I've bought at -42.7% price after CG or something, Yes, it is cheaper than T9. I never found a reason to build that piece of $#%!@#.

Last edit: 29 Aug 2023, 6:55pm
29 Aug 2023, 7:54pm
Since never, for the same reason you cannot compare any other mid tier ship to the big 3.
29 Aug 2023, 11:24pm
Finally permits are fixed
30 Aug 2023, 1:43am
wheres a good spot to grind some federation ranks? im newish, looking to get that corvette
30 Aug 2023, 10:38am
JarwelHello people,

I have a problem with a friend when he manages the turret and we don't know how he can activate the turrets of my ship. Does anyone know how my friend can manage the turrets of my ship?

Has your friend checked their game control settings? If I remember correctly there are bindings to set for controlling turrets, heatsinks etc as a crew member. Then, I think, you can select the gunner role on the bottom UI panel from the crew seat on board.
30 Aug 2023, 2:10pm
xMihkawheres a good spot to grind some federation ranks? im newish, looking to get that corvette

You can do the courier missions between the Ochosi and Chakpa systems in a small or medium ship so I hear but that back-and-forth same thing over and over stuff would seriously ruin the game/your brain.
For me it was Sol. Do all your missions there (once you have the permit which is easy enough to get) as every minor faction in the system (except Aegis) is allied to the Fed's meaning every mission you do gains Fed reputation. It allows for varied missions and 'playing it' as opposed to 'grinding it'.

With that said, as always, to each their own.
30 Aug 2023, 3:27pm
Got myself one of the most hated ships in the game...

I didn't like the Cutter, so I sold it but I still needed a hauler, but not a Type 9, so I went for the Type 7.
Since it was said to overheat, my focus for engineering was Thermal Spread for both the 5A Power Plant and 5A Thrusters, it seems to work reasonably well. TruckTruck
The FSD is an Engineered FSD V1 with Mass Manager and the hull is fully engineered for lower mass, Lightweight - Grade 5 and Reflective Plating, add to that a 5H Guardian FSD Booster, 3A Fuel Scoop the whole thing can run with an 3D Power Distributor Engine focused - Grade 2.
With a full load of 256‬ tons, I manage 38.41ly, 55.17 empty, speed is good at 279/466m/s and the ship is maneuverable, its only drawback is the need to dock on large pads but for what I do with it (selling the Tritium I mine among other goodies) it's perfect.#
Since my headset is gone to manufacturer for exchange I can't really comment on the basis of the few runs I made between Wolf 363 where I mine Tritium (there is a Tritium hotspot there), and the station buying Tritium.
I'm confident I can evade interdiction and perhaps outrun a few pirate ships if not, the only thing is I rely entirely on the 3A Prismatic Shield Generator, Thermal resistant - Grade 3, but since I still have plenty of power available I might continue to engineer it when I can play VR again.
Do I regret selling the Cutter? No. I didn't like how it handled, even less the way it looks, but more to the point; for Mining, I have a Python, permanently geared for the role onboard my Carrier, for passenger missions (Robigo Mines/Sothis), Another Python based in Robigo, I use it to pay for the Carrier Upkeep, two trips (in average 20.000.000+) and it's done, alternatively I also farm materials there, Manufactured and Encoded, mostly Grade 4.
For the Raw material I got myself a Scorpion SRV to get those materials at the Anaconda crash site on Orrere , planet 2 B, I love the Scorpion, it handles much better than the Scarab, with the Krait Phantom, it's really fast...
So its looks like I'm getting ready for another exploration trip with the Carrier, with the amount of Tritium I have in stock, I can go to Colonia and back without refueling, and visit a few new sectors in the way, the only issue is the way the Carrier Router loses its accuracy in some regions.
Can't wait to get my hands on my new headset...

Last edit: 30 Aug 2023, 3:51pm
30 Aug 2023, 3:36pm
I have a question for the experts here. Is it possible to get the Bar Tender to somewhat make money selling goodies.
If yes, what should I be stocking?
Thanks in advance.
30 Aug 2023, 3:47pm
xMihkawheres a good spot to grind some federation ranks? im newish, looking to get that corvette

I did it with a light fighter engineered for speed (Viper MK III ), I think it's worth taking some time to make your ship fast to avoid interdiction, I gave up the Viper for an Imperial Eagle but that's just because I like the look better.
Hauling is also a solution but keep in mind that you need Reputation and not Credit, the more you get the faster you will go through the ranks.
Alternatively you go to Ceos -> Babbage Gateway and doing passenger missions to Sothis -> Sirius Atmospherics around A5 getting 3 or 4 passenger missions with 3-4 bars for rep.
30 Aug 2023, 7:34pm
xMihkawheres a good spot to grind some federation ranks? im newish, looking to get that corvette

You can do the courier missions between the Ochosi and Chakpa systems in a small or medium ship so I hear but that back-and-forth same thing over and over stuff would seriously ruin the game/your brain.
For me it was Sol. Do all your missions there (once you have the permit which is easy enough to get) as every minor faction in the system (except Aegis) is allied to the Fed's meaning every mission you do gains Fed reputation. It allows for varied missions and 'playing it' as opposed to 'grinding it'.

With that said, as always, to each their own.

yeah ive been doing sol, just wasnt sure how good it was i was reading old posts about other places and i had been doing some outdated methods until i unlocked sol. sol is great though i jumped from warrant officer all the way to post captain in a day and a half
31 Aug 2023, 10:15am
I am just about to buy and equip a fleet carrier, I have watched some yt videos re fitting them out and running costs but one thing I cannot see is obvious is how to transfer all my ships currently docked in stations to the Fleet Carrier?
31 Aug 2023, 12:30pm
Hi! To the experts in this forum:

Is there any way to get the Bar Tender make some money by selling good dies?

If YES, what should be in stock onboard the carrier?

Thanks in advance. Fly like Maine Yaks!!!
31 Aug 2023, 12:51pm
Jonah-8208I am just about to buy and equip a fleet carrier, I have watched some yt videos re fitting them out and running costs but one thing I cannot see is obvious is how to transfer all my ships currently docked in stations to the Fleet Carrier?

Once in your Carrier, go to the option Shipyard and have a look at your ship list, you can select any of those ships for transfer back to your Carrier or any other location where you are docked for that matter, the menu will tell you where they are and how much it is gonna cost you to transfer them, this apply for Ship Modules as well.

I use this to get a ship that I am engineering to the station near the engineer flying my Krait Phantom, eventually I can get a Blueprint from the engineer once the ship have been delivered which is useful then back to the station to get the Krait back, then I can complement the materials list, eventually farming them.


31 Aug 2023, 1:15pm
OK thanks - it works just like any other station then - I thought I was gonna have to faff about with sacrificial sidewinders to get all my ships where I want them

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