Elite: Game talk

24 Oct 2023, 8:32am
Just to say that I finally found a way to remove the stored data left over from AX restore missions that clutters up your inventory. The mission data ones that shouldn't be there. They cannot be sold individually to bartenders (no value shown either) BUT, select 'All Data' (or all Goods etc. if you have any stuck there), then re-add everything you want to keep. Bit of a pain, but it works and all that data is now sold and gone
24 Oct 2023, 10:45am
If you own a carrier, you can technically also transfer them to it and back to remove the mission tag.

Though there is a bug with it where if you have none of the item, it just starts to transfer random crap back to you instead of the selected item. Because apparently, that’s where we are with Elite.
24 Oct 2023, 2:18pm
25 Oct 2023, 5:36am
ClawsOfTiamatI wish they let us just buy modules and have them transported back to a fleet carrier or home system rather than playing musical ships and having to go through that pain in the ass.

Speaking of your name, Dragonlance?
26 Oct 2023, 9:16am
Welp. Went to a Guardian site for the first time since CMDR reset. Am I just rusty, or are the Guardian Sentinels a lot stronger than they used to be?
26 Oct 2023, 10:14am
madamepestilenceWelp. Went to a Guardian site for the first time since CMDR reset. Am I just rusty, or are the Guardian Sentinels a lot stronger than they used to be?

Not a bug but a feature
26 Oct 2023, 6:43pm
what would be the best armor for bug work
26 Oct 2023, 7:45pm
Kkrazywhat would be the best armor for bug work

That yet to be seen.

Anyways anyone read the latest galnet article? Perhaps a variation of proteus wave for which they had to know our mind? Not exactly what i was thought, altrough this was obliviously on the list nor i think the surprises waiting us from abductions going to be this simple. Or the remnants of the Guardian AI activated?

Why really did the guardian war was started what caused their downfall?
27 Oct 2023, 7:09pm
Probably Witch's work. I bet on that 100 credits
27 Oct 2023, 7:26pm
Who is behind this is completely unclear. Or why they decided to unleash what is, in effect, a modified version of the Thetis killer signal. And possibly more potent at that.

Could be Salvation Nemesis. Could be a Thargoid-influenced or controlled hybrid human hiding behind that skull mask, for all we know, looking for something on the outpost. Or it’s some random guy that we’ll never see again and who was actually completely unimportant.

(I assume you mean the ongoing Halloween event.)
27 Oct 2023, 7:45pm
Agreed it can be a lot of things for granted. But we can also take it for granted if The goids trying to control or change at any ways the abductees to turn them into part of a hive mind and a simple drone without free will is a crucial step. Now as far we know this is what they are trying to do. They don't try to communicate with us, they trying to get into our mind.
27 Oct 2023, 9:31pm
For the sake of clarity? What i was talked about is the endgame of their plans and this is one step of it, Where i was mistaken i assumed it happens at a faster pace. Now to trying to get into our mind and understand our physiology can has several reasons, but if the goal of it information gathering there are easier more direct and fruitful ways to do it. What they trying to do, is to take a crack on our brains. Whenever or not in the latest stages there will be biological and physiological changes is another matter. But taken into account their mastery over living and their ways how to do things? (turning barnacles into a mighty bioships) Is a good guess to assume. And even necessary simply because there's no other way to fully turn us into the hive mind as a part of it. We don't has the necessary biological buildup to that. And this fully can be excepted from hive societies.

Slaver ants!
29 Oct 2023, 3:34am
does everyone remember the first Orthrus ?
maybe take a snapshot of the canopy of each kill till someone gets an actual pilot cameo.
there's likely a really good reason Palin is the engineer interested in bits from the hives.
IMO, the tgfactories are giving the titans what they need most, new orthrus bodies and from Palin's history I would say filling/manning them with humans.
curious about the space shrimp...human souls being burnt off in the fires of the factory?
I mean, shipping and receiving is what it looks like, and the receiving is usually followed by a few births.
fwiw in legacy Palin's base in Maia is still an interesting place.
i know I am always seeing patterns in everything in this game, hard not too.
faces of..

love the great thargoid pumpkin shots
29 Oct 2023, 1:18pm
Yea, I remember.
It had human modules. Thargoid scouts were atacking it. It had no caustic rail.
You bring me idea what if thargoids need humans or something living with good neural brain network for creating their vehicles? Something like building esence.

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