Elite: Game talk

16 Oct 2023, 8:43am
And RR megaships fix not listed
16 Oct 2023, 3:36pm
cool matrix sites
went from having 1 massive energy surge to over 60 in about 10 minutes of hovering around and taking pics..
so cool
not quite sure yet if its from the spires or the scouts or the new revnants, sort of seems like the revnants are my main shooters
currently parked my cutter on one of the new really tall spires wings..it has really large wings and you can park on them and they have tiny barnacles all over them shooting out steam or a mist of sorts.
a lot of upgrades compared to the ancient crashed Thargoid sites.

only the spires and the scouts are shooting, everything else from the TGFactory is spawning like fleas and warping away....
so...yeh we're toast...

Welcome to Thargoid's 7-11

what happens when I shoot back..kind of expecting a giant arm to swat me now....
That is Some real special fertilizer they used here...soooo much growth overnight.
like from a tiny strawberry patch to a giant sunflower acreage with skyscrapers and soooo many lights,
16 Oct 2023, 3:51pm
fwiw I simply transfer failed mission items to my bartender on my carrier.
when i buy them back they are no longer mission items or marked in any way.
it is actually the easiest way to get a lot of power regulators and various schematics....
I will add that any time I complete a mission, there should be nothing left on you.
If there is, a complete exit, close game, relog has always removed them. This has only happened a few times with EDO materials and imo not worth thinking about...u have room for 1,000 items
I convert all the useless crap to graphene or the other most valuable item...yes it costs but i dont care, too many useless bits are meaningless and I have no intentions of ever upgrading more than store bought G3 up to G5
I see no reason to do so, especially considering that it is really a 2 level grind of engineering that is 100% pointless and made far more difficult than was necessary and is the one thing in the game I will actually use the word GRIND on
Horizons engineering vs edo upgrade, then engineering...just that phrase makes me want to smack someone.
unlike Horizons where you can upgrade all day for pennies, not materials. then engineer
let me buy empty G5 suits with empty G5 weapons, then lets talk engineering. AFTER they add material drops to kills and data drops in all the same ways a ship can get them.. till then. NO, just NO. to me it is the most out of focus part of the game.. just not even close to the same game.
I would change my mind if new special items were added to my ships and I had to do them like a suit or a hand weapon...I would probably quit playing. because a stupid mechanic is just that, stupid.

I only ever see this with passenger missions though.

If you do not own a carrier then you need a friend that has one.
and probably a good idea to get one..
it is possibly the only way to survive the Thargoid war.
Specially if they start smashing planets together to make a bigger wall

I didn't feel any force from the spires..(my first thoughts were they are going to MOVE planets around to build something)
like - grow some engines and a pilot on a planet, then move it....45 planets...thats a lot of marbles.

some of the barnacles mostly look like Hunters now..
but those spires...doors, weapons, the same colorful display they had when they were flying to our area.....seems like a very similar thing we now see growing....so if they are engines thats really bad news.
60 massive energy surges in 10 minutes is a lot of energy..
Just test firing planetary thrusters BOSS.....

Last edit: 16 Oct 2023, 4:09pm
16 Oct 2023, 4:44pm
Nothing unexcepted not from my part anyways.
16 Oct 2023, 7:07pm
CMDR Milesredfwiw I simply transfer failed mission items to my bartender on my carrier.
when i buy them back they are no longer mission items or marked in any way.

Ah, that’s a good hint, thanks. (In fact you don’t have to buy them back, transferring them back will work, too; apparently storage items transferred to the carrier lose their “mission” flag immediately.)
CMDR MilesredI convert all the useless crap to graphene or the other most valuable item...

Yeah, been doing the same to manage the stupid 1000 item limit.

And I will not quote your rant, but I agree that the personal equipment grind is the worst. It looks like FDev was committed to make it as player-unfriendly as the initial Horizons engineering system was.
17 Oct 2023, 11:23pm
ClawsOfTiamatDid they nerf Robigo or something? My kid went there to fill up a couple of months of carrier maintenance on her account and the payouts are all less than 2,000,000 even with high rep, and there are only 4 or five of them. Logging in/out logging/open doesn't seem to do anything.

Last I checked relogging does nothing to update the mission boards. I think that was changed years ago (back during the Smeaton Orbital passenger run gold rush). Other than pirate massacre and spec ops (kill civilians for a major drop in that faction's rep), and some Thargoid missions, the payouts have been less than stellar but compare to any on foot payouts they are all lottery winnings.
17 Oct 2023, 11:31pm
CMDR Milesredfwiw I simply transfer failed mission items to my bartender on my carrier.
when i buy them back they are no longer mission items or marked in any way.
it is actually the easiest way to get a lot of power regulators and various schematics....
I will add that any time I complete a mission, there should be nothing left on you.
If there is, a complete exit, close game, relog has always removed them. This has only happened a few times with EDO materials and imo not worth thinking about...u have room for 1,000 items
I convert all the useless crap to graphene or the other most valuable item...yes it costs but i dont care, too many useless bits are meaningless and I have no intentions of ever upgrading more than store bought G3 up to G5
I see no reason to do so, especially considering that it is really a 2 level grind of engineering that is 100% pointless and made far more difficult than was necessary and is the one thing in the game I will actually use the word GRIND on
Horizons engineering vs edo upgrade, then engineering...just that phrase makes me want to smack someone.
unlike Horizons where you can upgrade all day for pennies, not materials. then engineer
let me buy empty G5 suits with empty G5 weapons, then lets talk engineering. AFTER they add material drops to kills and data drops in all the same ways a ship can get them.. till then. NO, just NO. to me it is the most out of focus part of the game.. just not even close to the same game.
I would change my mind if new special items were added to my ships and I had to do them like a suit or a hand weapon...I would probably quit playing. because a stupid mechanic is just that, stupid.

I only ever see this with passenger missions though.

If you do not own a carrier then you need a friend that has one.
and probably a good idea to get one..
it is possibly the only way to survive the Thargoid war.
Specially if they start smashing planets together to make a bigger wall

I didn't feel any force from the spires..(my first thoughts were they are going to MOVE planets around to build something)
like - grow some engines and a pilot on a planet, then move it....45 planets...thats a lot of marbles.

some of the barnacles mostly look like Hunters now..
but those spires...doors, weapons, the same colorful display they had when they were flying to our area.....seems like a very similar thing we now see growing....so if they are engines thats really bad news.
60 massive energy surges in 10 minutes is a lot of energy..
Just test firing planetary thrusters BOSS.....

To get a load of weapons schematics, take a "hidden cache" mission to retrieve lazarus (or other). Don't retrieve the mission object, just take the weapon schematics. Relog while inside a container, you'll keep getting new weapon schematics and be protected from anything going on outside that container. Just don't grab the mission item.
18 Oct 2023, 12:26am
Yes, relog refresh the mission board was seriously exploited, now it's refreshed periodically which is IMHO too slow.
18 Oct 2023, 8:25pm
SchmackTo get a load of weapons schematics, take a "hidden cache" mission to retrieve lazarus (or other). Don't retrieve the mission object, just take the weapon schematics. Relog while inside a container, you'll keep getting new weapon schematics and be protected from anything going on outside that container. Just don't grab the mission item.

To be precise, look for Larceny missions (Procurement category). As long as you are careful not to pick up the mission item, you can re-log as many times as you want and the POI will be refreshed each time. (It can take a few seconds for the containers etc. to spawn, so don’t panic if you see empty ground after a re-log.)

Another type of missions that can be used to farm on-foot materials this way are on-foot salvage missions. Those that have you recover an asset from wreckage tend to be good for farming certain kinds of data (from the data port of the crashed satellite or beacon — the latter kind is particularly useful for farming Manufacturing Instructions, which are needed in absurd amounts for engineering); those that have you recover a piece of goods sometimes lead to a ship that looks like it emergency-landed rather than crashed (the POI type is “Distress Beacon”), and those are decent for farming power regulators (park an SRV next to the ship and look in the contacts to see if the power regulators are degraded or not; if both are degraded, re-log immediately). That said, in either case if you see pirates on the ground when you approach then don’t try farming there — they will respawn next to you when you re-log. It’s a kind of hit-and-miss, but if the target is in a high-security system, it will be fine most of the time.

MinonianYes, relog refresh the mission board was seriously exploited, now it's refreshed periodically which is IMHO too slow.

Mission boards are refreshed every 10 minutes (i.e. at 00:00, 00:10, 00:20 and so on), to be exact.

On-foot providers’ missions are refreshed at a different time. I’m not sure what the rule is.
18 Oct 2023, 9:42pm
Yes, too slow to be exploited.
21 Oct 2023, 1:38am
I only bought one of the class 8s.

I'm not sure I'll ever use it, but doesn't hurt to have.

(I could slap it on my Cutter for an even beefier shield as I run evacs... but a size 6 thermal resistant prism has been doing that job just fine, and allowed me to run a powerplant with some level of low emissions engineering on it at the same time. Really just for those times I might fly into a burning orbital starport, though.)
21 Oct 2023, 4:26am
ClawsOfTiamatI wish they let us just buy modules and have them transported back to a fleet carrier or home system rather than playing musical ships and having to go through that pain in the ass.

They do, though? Unless I am misunderstanding you.

Granted, it is not as easy as auto-transferring a purchased module immediately, but what I typically do is:

  1. Fly long-range ship (DbX, AspX) to starport with desired module at desired discount/price
  2. Go to outfitting, select "Buy and Store Modules" from the three options at the bottom
  3. Buy desired modules at desired discount/price
  4. Fly back to "home" (carrier, starport)
  5. At home station, go to outfitting, select "Stored Modules", transfer desired modules from purchase starport to "home" station
  6. Equip modules on ship, once transferred

You needn't fly the to-be-equipped ship to the starport selling the goodies you want; you just have to wait for the goods to show up.

Apologies in advance if I have misunderstood your meaning, and this is what you already do.
21 Oct 2023, 4:30am
Sometimes this is quite literally is a chess play. Bonkers.
23 Oct 2023, 12:23pm
in regards to the dark markings..
and more

you can see better in legacy
originally the graphic glitches were not few, many still exist
flying a conda around inside a thargoid hull was interesting.
many of us have photos from places you can no longer get too, same goes for guardian sites.
the insides people are trying to get to have more glyphs...don't expect to ever get inside, aka weapon platform got smashed.
what happens when you drop 400million tons from space....
falling off the surface happened a lot, flying through things has always been a thing, still occurs way too often.
even though there may or may not be actual glyphs(I have never seen any other than on the inside and the common brand and the spires.)

the items you survey are the wings, the protective claws, bits of control arms - each one has 2 sets of wings, extremely large and very small
you can see the control arms/legs also, some still attached.

if you look in the forums in the raxxla thread you will find a photo of one of the items(2 actually) where it looks like a black beetle - as in the remains after possibly having a snack of another dead bug.
BUT it is not real it is simply the composition of the photo.
picture as we can easily do nowadays the usual thargoid, an interceptor, all its parts(mostly) are the same as what is on the ground, just 100 times bigger and spread out from the impact.
then apparently its eggs and other alien seeds grew in most cases, intentional or accidental from ..death who knows..space travel...
Seeds like braintrees and all the life you now see at the matrix sites spread by intentional use and/or natural methods of attaching to other life for travel.
Perhaps all kinds of things to get help or to stay alive happened before she died or went dormant.

the ship cockpit is the center and has the pilot inside and upside down facing the 'canopy'
that it is upside down aka faceplanted into the planet in every case, you can't see the usual markings as they are buried.

and apologies ahead of time but some folks need to practice in the srv in legacy.
then see the diff in power in ody and adjust
my srv pips in ody are never on engines unless I am flying ( get gud at flying so you can zero in on sonar items better)
more important is the scanner though.
I see the comments in the forum about it too.
in ody - good luck..I'd like to think its the same as in legacy but thats a dream.
but the jist is , the sound is more important than the visual
I can see and hear from the video the item is either not close or once again it is glitched and manufactured items are being detected where they are not
I can add to that by saying at many of the Thargoid sites there was the 'roaming' Thargoid Technolgical Components.
as soon as you landed they spawned and rolled into oblivion through the planet.
took more than a year iir to fix that..but I have seem roaming objects since and they look like that srv scan when you don't act fast enough to spot it.
like mission gold, can be seen for many many km as well and the srv scan for even further
Consider it a sonar with a graphic aid that is very glitchy, but the audio is not.
when 2 or more audio signals exist the graphic tends to only show the closest one if it were an actual spectum analyzer you would see multiple colors..
electronically its like a very poorly built op-amp with more than 1 input.
when I first started with the srv upon its release into the game I setup a frequency detector on each of my speakers and added colored lights.
So I could easily see what the scanner does not show.
Each freq combo meant a certain meteorite, or manufactured items and different color..
with headphones you could easily hear all the sounds from 2 or more overlapping scans, THIS the scanner glitches on, but the sound is perfect.

The dark markings I see in those images look exactly like sooo many of the glitches/tears
once upon a time at poi's skimmers often travelled underground...you could follow them and hope they find a tear to poke through to kill them..
totally glitchy, many planets would/could turn to soup while driving, like ocean with no substance, tear everywhere and many you could fall through..

fwiw, all put together they are big ships, bigger than any of the fighters but IMO because as a mothership it is sooo small, I always assumed they were children.
And the map inside made me think they are just looking after all the gardens they own.....something a princess of barnacles might do.
And I still think so.

a trick I learned long ago at new sites was to cruise the area with landing gear extended.
This tends to show any man made or other areas that might be below you...landing gear up, will not show many hidden things.
This was how I got a mini map to the thargoid ship tunnels so I instantly knew how many rooms.
23 Oct 2023, 9:27pm
And speaking of which? Is the ratties still that dumb to help on the ones whom we exactly know what will going to do next?

Allow me to quote myself.

"The one whom feeding the crocodile in hope he will going to be spared still going be eaten."
If there's anything what a certain business man got right, this is it.

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