Elite: Game talk

28 Nov 2023, 9:46pm
Anything that makes the Thargoids give us the slapping that we deserve, if I’m to be asked. I feel like they’re leading us into some kind of false sense of security with the pushback and all being way more successful than it should be.

But I can’t say I’m actually sure about it. Still, I don’t think the story should push for “human supremacist feelings” in the universe to be validated, considering they got us stuck in this ridiculous nonsense to start.
29 Nov 2023, 8:26pm
Glen van RossAnd if they do do something wrong, yay, quasi-Thargoid infantry combat is finally here, after ten years waiting.

We already have the dumbest AI infantry combat bots I've ever seen in games, so slapping the existing code on top of some new models... Why new models? Just add some greenish tint to the existing ones. And make their guns launch greenish poop. And voila! On-foot AX!

I am very afraid of this shit...
30 Nov 2023, 1:46am
Because of what might happen to the people, or what it might set off in the war theater?
30 Nov 2023, 7:27am
Found at least 12 nonhuman signatures (all have been sensor fragments, still) less than 60 jumps away from Explorer's Anchorage, all in one system. Should I report this somewhere or is this a random spawn? Will probably scan the rest of the moons here for other presence after the ship has finished it's weekly thargsday maintenance.
o7 cmdr Kyyttö Yür

Last edit: 30 Nov 2023, 10:11am
30 Nov 2023, 10:04am
Random spawns, always is, only trigger required being ammonia world or gas giant with ammonia life presence. Can happen anywhere in the galaxy if one of those worlds is present.
30 Nov 2023, 10:12am
Kasumi GotoRandom spawns, always is, only trigger required being ammonia world or gas giant with ammonia life presence. Can happen anywhere in the galaxy if one of those worlds is present.

Thank you, no need to find out how to report to Cannonn or other projects then.
01 Dec 2023, 5:44am
They should add subspace sometime to the game.
01 Dec 2023, 6:50am
I think that's what Witchspace is kind of supposed to be.
01 Dec 2023, 9:20am
I saw this table somewhere. I think it is helpful getting bounty vouchers from the faction required for the community goal.
Bounty places

Before you hand in vouchers you must sign up at the station in the mission menu
(System: Tionisla / Station: Brett high)
01 Dec 2023, 12:57pm
To take a xeno lover's word to fight with goids is pointless when we are winning, is just the same stupid like taking a hacker words firewalls and virus busters are useless. After all his motives are quite clear innit?
01 Dec 2023, 1:19pm
Kill Thargoids
Behead Thargoids
Roundhouse kick a Bugger into the concrete
Slam-dunk a bug baby into the trashcan
Crucify Sulphur lifeforms
Defecate in a Thargoid's food
Launch murder flowers into the sun
Toss Thargoid Scouts into active planetary thermal vents
Feed buggers to Guardians
Curb stomp pregnant exoskeletal being
Judo throw Goids into a wood chipper
Karate chop Glaives in half
Urinate and defecate on a Thargoid

We bring Liberty and Freedom through our support of the Minor Faction, Jericho Free. Thargoids, The Federation, and The Empire all wish to control our lives. The Vanguards of Jericho fight for Freedom and will bring forth the Total Thargoid Death.

Membership is not required to join our Discord if you wish to talk with any of us!

Capital Class Ships:
JFS Black Cathedral
JFS Clandestine Veil
JFS Coin Clipper
Our ships can be identified with the prefix "JFS"

Okay, thats a harsh answer to a complete species/race. The wing describtion need a total overhaul.
01 Dec 2023, 1:57pm
Okay, thats a harsh answer to a complete species/race. The wing describtion need a total overhaul.

Unless you’re listening to the excessive anti-Thargoid propaganda in the Elite universe that wants to make you think they’re nothing but mindless creatures that have no right to anything and only deserve to be exterminated.

Which is pretty much what that is above. And one of those - subjective - reasons I want to see the Thargoids slam a hammer down on our collective heads instead of this idiotic “human supremacy” nonsense (bullshit) getting reinforced. Not that I expect Frontier to actually have the iron it takes to move the story that way instead of listening to the few whiners that immediately raise absolute hell the moment they can’t mindlessly ferry gold or passengers back and forth endlessly in their shieldless ship of choice.
01 Dec 2023, 2:28pm
"I want to see the Thargoids slam a hammer down on our collective heads"

Yes. But how can the Thargoids filter out the collectivists among the humans? And why would they help humanity in that way?
I don't think they will expect to get merci out of thankfulness.
01 Dec 2023, 2:40pm
I remember back when this whole war started my friend and I looked at each other and were like "Yeah, the bubble is fucked."

Of course, FDev appeared to have slowed the invasion down, because they couldn't have the bubble burning. And, I suppose, enough players stuck around through the shitshow that was the Odyssey launch...
01 Dec 2023, 5:04pm
FDev shouldn't have nerfed the Thargoids' rate of conquest; it would have taken years for the entire bubble to burn.

A year ago the Thargoid war had a sense of urgency. Battles needed to be fought; stations and settlements needed to be evacuated; squadrons that didn't have an AX-specific focus took time out to fight, or haul, or evac in support. If you took a week off to run other missions or farm materials, you'd be glued to Galnet, AXI or DCOH hoping that the systems you'd fought in hadn't fallen to the bugs. I busted my ass to get a free caustic sink in a CG, and be one of the first to toodle around the outer layers of the maelstroms.

Now? My AX ships haven't been out of the hangar in six months. The AX settlement missions and station evac missions are a mere trickle. The Glaives, which used to be a royal PITA, haven't really adapted to our tactics (silent running, heatsink, boost boost boost). I've been forced to fight just one Glaive, despite dozens of station evacs and probably a few hundred trips to Maelstroms/Titans.

I like the Spire content, and I like that (unlike Titans) they are accessible for the Average Joe without endgame engineering. But the rest of the war shouldn't feel this "easy". They are an intelligent, long-ranging spacefaring species; they should be every bit as crafty as we are.

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