Elite: Game talk

24 Nov 2023, 4:33pm
i'm surprised they even still exist at first place.
24 Nov 2023, 5:52pm
I recently purchased an FC - The Aristocrat

And tonight in my home system I took a delivery mission to take 5000 plus semi conductors 137ly across the Bubble.

I pick up the first 726 unit in The Dog my Type 9 and flew it all to my carrier to use the transfer button to store all of the load on the carrier to go fetch more, I was going to rinse and repeat 7.5 times then jump the FC to delivery system to then unload.

But I could not do this transfer, I took this job on as I had a carrier and did want to be jumping slowly across the bubble in a type 9 with threat level 7 on the mission?

Am I missing something? - I even logged out and back again and could not unload my mission goods onto the carrier.

Confused - or is this a broken bit of the game?
24 Nov 2023, 5:58pm
Sir Sprockett ... I took a delivery mission to take 5000 plus semi conductors 137ly across the Bubble.

I pick up the first 726 unit in The Dog my Type 9 and flew it all to my carrier to use the transfer button to store all of the load on the carrier to go fetch more, I was going to rinse and repeat 7.5 times then jump the FC to delivery system to then unload.

But I could not do this transfer, I took this job on as I had a carrier and did want to be jumping slowly across the bubble in a type 9 with threat level 7 on the mission?

It is—unfortunately for you—working as designed. Mission cargo can't be transferred off of your ship.

If you take "source" or "industry needs" or "mine x" missions where you are sourcing the commodities yourself, that is fine. Store a big pile on your carrier and then shuttle loads to the destination. If you are taking a "Deliver x goods" where they are providing the cargo to you... That has to be delivered directly by your ship, no intermediaries.
24 Nov 2023, 6:05pm
I remember having picked up a similar mission out of Hind Mine

NOTHING is near T Tauri, so its a trip
24 Nov 2023, 6:24pm

It is—unfortunately for you—working as designed. Mission cargo can't be transferred off of your ship.

If you take "source" or "industry needs" or "mine x" missions where you are sourcing the commodities yourself, that is fine. Store a big pile on your carrier and then shuttle loads to the destination. If you are taking a "Deliver x goods" where they are providing the cargo to you... That has to be delivered directly by your ship, no intermediaries.

thank you - this realised as I then destroyed the cargo it becomes stolen once you abandon the mission. FFS really annoying..

thanks o7
25 Nov 2023, 5:16pm
Megaship Zetain's Recall that has been in the permit locked system LTT 198 and was where you could acquire the (Pre Engineered) 1d modified mining laser from 29 Oct 2023 until probably 22 Nov 2023 has been relocated to system LHS 3872. The tech broker requires: 20 Arsenic, 24 Rhenium, 28 Phosphorus, and 16 Osmium for each (Pre Engineered) D1 modified Mining Laser you wish to acquire. When I attempted to acquire one through the tech broker I received an error something about unlocking the gun port. Then I went to outfitting and found 1 available in local storage so I installed it. Then I attempted to acquire another through the outfitting screen and it informed me I didn't have all of the required materials, being short another 16 Osmium. Just a heads up that you should have the materials but use the outfitting screen to get the laser.
26 Nov 2023, 5:36pm
Could anybody concur that it is now more difficult for solo to take down medusa that it was before? Thanks
28 Nov 2023, 5:37pm
Sure hope that good will gesture from Winters to repatriate abductees from the Titan won’t mark an awry first/early start to her presidency.
28 Nov 2023, 6:14pm
It's win-win in any case.

Those people can't be penned up indefinitely on the mere suspicion they might do something wrong.

And if they do do something wrong, yay, quasi-Thargoid infantry combat is finally here, after ten years waiting.
28 Nov 2023, 6:21pm
Glen van RossAnd if they do do something wrong, yay, quasi-Thargoid infantry combat is finally here, after ten years waiting.
We already have the dumbest AI infantry combat bots I've ever seen in games, so slapping the existing code on top of some new models... Why new models? Just add some greenish tint to the existing ones. And make their guns launch greenish poop. And voila! On-foot AX!
28 Nov 2023, 6:35pm
MeowersWe already have the dumbest AI infantry combat bots I've ever seen in games, so slapping the existing code on top of some new models... Why new models? Just add some greenish tint to the existing ones. And make their guns launch greenish poop. And voila! On-foot AX!

Last year, I would have been extremely disappointed if FDev had done that. After the most recent round of layoffs, I'd be downright happy if they manage to throw together a half-assed update like this.

I'll be surprised if the returnee storyline leads anywhere other than a Galnet rehash of late-Aughts debates about Guantanamo detainees and the detention camp.
28 Nov 2023, 7:49pm
Well, Winters is going to be off to a rough start if anything happens that isn’t just the people coughing a bit for a few months because they had a life support tube forcibly shoved down their throat.

Know what would’ve been helpful? If skin samples were taken and analyzed from those supposedly irritated spots of tissue. Providing they could be, at least. Not just one Imperial scientist immediately wanting to hit the big red button, and the others saying “Yeah nah, this ain’t an issue”.

And if there wasn’t an ongoing war, I wouldn’t even be bothering to think much of whether the people should be let back in. Thargoids should have little reason to screw with anything in human space if it wasn’t for us mildly pissing them off with a giant Guardian weapon in one of their crashed motherships of the first war. What a fucking brilliant idea, Salv-idiot-ation. Could never have gone wrong because you just had to try adding insult to injury.

… they do really need to make those Odyssey AIs less idiotic. Like maybe not ignoring the fact that I’m shooting them in the back until all but one of them is dead in a conflict zone.
28 Nov 2023, 8:36pm
Kasumi GotoKnow what would’ve been helpful? If skin samples were taken and analyzed from those supposedly irritated spots of tissue. Providing they could be, at least. Not just one Imperial scientist immediately wanting to hit the big red button, and the others saying “Yeah nah, this ain’t an issue”.

That is part of the fun, though (seriously). If FDev spelled out all the details, there wouldn't be any room for debate. The danger (or lack of) would be plainly obvious, and people would be less inclined to idle away our time in chat threads wondering whether the returnees really are dangerous.

I have to say my sense of urgency regarding the Thargoid situation has completely evaporated, in contrast to November-December 3308. Remember when your compatriot Seo Jin-ae told Prof. Tesreau this last year, as more Titans arrived:

“Seo Jin-ae, who possesses a base comprehension of Thargoid intent via her neural implants, believes these are focused, systematic strikes rather than a frenzied assault. She feels that the Thargoids are working toward a specific goal, but cannot yet identify its nature.”

That was a scary time, back then. Now? Whatever that goal is, it's working out great for them so far. One Titan completely cut off from supply lines, a significant chunk of the spire logistics sites shut down... Imagine if a carrier strike group could not receive supplies or get back to port, and the ports of Norfolk and San Diego were shut down.

The Thargoids have a plan like the Cylons had a plan... Play it by ear and hope it all kind of works out in the end.
28 Nov 2023, 8:48pm
I blame it more on Frontier for making the war a cheesy game of box ticking and tissue sampling with real jokes of system strength, because they never bothered to balance it.

Well, until now, as they decided to up those difficulties again just last Friday(24th) and those tissue samplers immediately went up in arms about being incapable of farming the Thargoids to death across every alert state.

The precise changes as they appear to be yet -
+150% strength for unpopulated alerts
+60% for populated alerts
+30% for uninhabited controls
(No change to inhabited controls)
Plus, maybe, some kinda nerf to sampling? Maybe being the key word.

I’m hoping things remain there instead of it being so simple to “defeat” an advanced alien species. Or get more interesting again. Should at least see a couple invasions slip through to the next cycle, but whether that will be indicative of any medium-term changes…

That is part of the fun, though (seriously). If FDev spelled out all the details, there wouldn't be any room for debate. The danger (or lack of) would be plainly obvious, and people would be less inclined to idle away our time in chat threads wondering whether the returnees really are dangerous.

Oh, I know. That was just mild in-RP ranting about the necessity for GalNet to be so damn vague about things sometimes for the sake of storytelling.
28 Nov 2023, 9:20pm
I would really dig it if they ripped off the guardrails put in place to slow down Thargoid expansion. Even at their height, it would have taken something like four years to annihilate the bubble. That is plenty of time for us to figure out how to legitimately drive them out of human-inhabited space (No, Professor Palin, not with Mycoid 2.0).

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