Elite: Game talk

13 Nov 2023, 9:17am
I’m sure Azimuth’s made plenty of money from those willing to buy their experimental weapon stabilizers. Which I’ve still got collecting dust in module storage because I haven’t gotten around to pulling them apart to figure out if they contain Guardian tech of any kind.

(It’s a good thing our characters have not actually met for real, within that game world. One of them might not be inclined to show much restraint.)

And from the way I’ve heard things… well, that arrest warrant didn’t come from any Club-supporting people.
14 Nov 2023, 2:31pm
Well, that was… should we have expected it? I sure did. (GalNet)
14 Nov 2023, 3:19pm
Kasumi GotoWell, that was… should we have expected it? I sure did. (GalNet)

A few weeks ago, I would have said the returnees were going to end up becoming human-Thargoid hybrids (hugoids?) for ground combat (just in time for Halloween!).

Now I tend to think that is not the case, and it's FDev fluff with a touch of post-9/11 real-world flavour. How well will they re-integrate into human society? How do we know they're not going to become a fifth column? How long do we have to monitor them before we're prepared to trust them? I tend to think the Far God cult and Thetis/Shamash incidents are similar sorts of flavour, priming the pump for us to be wary/suspicious.

These are all questions societies ask today about migrants from other countries, or former radicals/militants returning from fighting elsewhere (Afghanistan, ISIS, etc), or pretty much any minority "other". I imagine there will be a CG in the future where we answer the question of whether we're the open, tolerant society we like to imagine ourselves as, with strong civil rights protections—or whether we allow paranoia to push us into Marvel-style Mutant Registration Acts where the returnees are tracked, monitored and suspected ad infinitum. Or potentially chucked in isolated colonies like old-school lepers.

FDev loves to take stolen-from-the-headlines scenarios and inject them into the game with some sci-fi flavouring. I honestly think that is what is being done here, but I may well be wrong.

EDIT: Also, cynically, it's a whole lot easier to write a bunch of Galnet articles and create a CG, than it is to create whole new hybrid NPC models and skins.

Last edit: 14 Nov 2023, 5:35pm
14 Nov 2023, 3:32pm
I’m not leaning toward that outcome. Just me maybe, but I feel like if there was going to be an immune response to the pod environment, surely it would not have been delayed by a month… more than a month, and show superficially(with the possible exception of negative reaction to the amniotic fluid).

Last edit: 14 Nov 2023, 7:14pm
17 Nov 2023, 4:07pm
where are the best places to mine for raw mats
17 Nov 2023, 6:34pm
Yum Kaxwhere are the best places to mine for raw mats

20 Nov 2023, 7:49pm
Torval mining company has just filed for bankruptcy after paying out 20 trillion credits for a hundred million tons of tritium.

The billionaires club now has a majority vote on the counsel after vastly increasing its members. Curiously the topics discussed at the club now seem to be in majority about trucking in stead of the latest investment schemes.

More news today...
22 Nov 2023, 6:05pm

I'm getting very tired of whatever 5th Column group decided they were god when the Legacy split happened.

All of the following Powers have been receiving this internal Undermining through forced Preparation Turmoil for the past several cycles:
Aisling Duval
Archon Delaine
A. Lavigny-Duval
Edmund Mahon
Li Yong-Rui
Pranav Antal
Yuri Grom
Zachary Hudson
Zemina Torval

7 of these Powers are currently receiving this bullshit this cycle or are victims of the last cycle (for instance, Hudson is in Turmoil with a system causing a -249 CC deficit)

I'm 99% sure it's coming from Denton Patreus as Patreus recently took the top slot, is one of the only Powers that hasn't been receiving this internal undermining, the other Imperial Powers have been getting fucked over, the Federal Powers have been getting fucked over, Grom has been a target for a while, most of the Powers are in double or single-digit CC, and Mahon is getting bumped down

They seem to be easing off Grom, but Hudson's gotten bit again, and they're hitting Aisling hard this cycle (Prep 17641, Prep 11793), and Yong-Rui is a bit of a curveball

As for the group doing it, I have no idea, but I have noticed that they're planning multiple cycles in advance, have money to burn, and there's no way in hell there isn't at least a dozen pilots behind it
22 Nov 2023, 6:16pm
Update: Denton Patreus is the only power not getting a major fuckover this cycle.

It's Patreus.

at maximum they'll get double digits. the literal only alternative i can see is Felicia Winters.
22 Nov 2023, 6:58pm
Update 2 Electric Boogaloo:

Having some discussions with The Eyes of Leshak (official Grom community) and Patreus has actually been reaching out as to why they're receiving 5C Fortification despite no clear advantage.

I've also been told that some Winters supporters with strategic knowledge are potentially botting, but nothing's confirmed
22 Nov 2023, 7:12pm
Why is it so surprising to see people botting in an online game. :p
22 Nov 2023, 8:06pm
Depressingly it's not, and it's also not the first incident (see Prozer/Ultraslow), but it's frustrating that it's happening again.
24 Nov 2023, 12:27am
People still do powerplay?
24 Nov 2023, 2:13am
XeknosPeople still do powerplay?

There are a ton of Powerplay-focused squadrons still alive and kicking, at least on PC.

Federal Republic Command, Federal Liberal Command, Federal Fleet Marine Force, Latji Militia, Barnard's Star Security Co, Aisling's Angels, Lavigny's Legion, Imperial Enforcement Division, 13th Legion, Explorers of the Anarchy, and many more... Most of them run BGS operations every week, and I run into pilots from most of these squadrons every couple of days.

Too many to list, really. If you fly in Open you will see active squadrons everywhere in the core bubble.
24 Nov 2023, 3:45pm
Oh, Azimuth. Oh dear. Stop making yourselves look like idiots for just a second, would you? It’s actually getting embarrassing.

“Technology that can match anything in the Thargoids’ arsenal”

So where’s your magical gun that can allow a ship to match a Hydra or Medusa’s firepower instead of requiring significant pilot skill, or a wing/two of ships to fight it?

And I’m not seeing the Titan beating stick you intend to conjure out of the air either…

Good at PR statements for weapons. Not so good at actually following up on them. Or any remark that concerns Titan abducted or Aegis, for that matter.

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