Elite: Game talk

11 Mar 2016, 3:58pm
Mining for the first time in this CG with my Anaconda. It's nice to prospect and mine but sometimes it is boring because I cant find asteroids with palladium and if its not filled at least with painite, I have to fire another prospector.
Collected only 86t ofpalladium until now, hitting around 2M per run. I dont know of I would mine again if not for participate in CG's.
11 Mar 2016, 4:45pm
I tried mining for the first time last night in my Asp Explorer. Spent 8 hours going from rock to rock. All I ended up with was 50 tons of minerals and metals, just over 400k. I had a 4 bin refinery and was wasting quite a bit. Ideally, you need something much bigger to make it worthwhile.
It did give me a break from missions and trading, but I won't be doing it too often.
11 Mar 2016, 5:01pm
I bought a Cobra MK 3 last night & fitted it out for mining. I spent about an hour fooling around trying to get the hang of it. Made about $50K. I had a 6 bin refinery & was mining a less than fruitful rock but it was only a test. I enjoy it as its totally different than other jobs. One douchey NPC bumped into me then started shooting at me. Luckily I had a small shield which allowed me just enough time to retreat the hell out of there with minimal hull damage. It was fun nonetheless.
11 Mar 2016, 5:19pm
Ozram^^ Lol. Perhaps we should ask Artie if it would be too difficult to implement a friendly + Rep system to comments here.

I'm in +1

like a small button to the side of [Quote] etc.
11 Mar 2016, 7:51pm
BeachwalkerI tried mining for the first time last night in my Asp Explorer. Spent 8 hours going from rock to rock. All I ended up with was 50 tons of minerals and metals, just over 400k. I had a 4 bin refinery and was wasting quite a bit. Ideally, you need something much bigger to make it worthwhile.
It did give me a break from missions and trading, but I won't be doing it too often.

Make sure wherever you are mining is listed as METALLIC or at the very least "METAL RICH" and is not DEPLETED. I like the PRISTINE METALLIC places but have also done quite well in the various METALLIC Belt Clusters not associated with Gas Giant rings (though there are fewer rocks there).

As I am planning my ASP Explorer mining build,  I opted for a  a big expensive (8 bin) refinery.  Also cut down the shield generator for more cargo space.  Added a shield booster so I would still have some defenses and a pretty potent OFFENSE for any INTERDICTORS/Pirates that come sniffing around.

Here is my build proposal - work continually in progress as I haven't bought/outfitted it YET.

Recluse Mining ASP proposal

Last edit: 11 Mar 2016, 8:05pm
11 Mar 2016, 7:55pm
I have a AspX setup for mining. 7 bin refinery, 1 prospector and 2 collector limpets. I tend to fire a prospector and let it analyse the asteroid. I know you can shoot a chunk off but I prefer to use the limpet. I also tend to dump the lower value chunks as they come into the refinery so I only keep the more valuable ore. With 96 tonnes in the cargo hold I usually load 40 limpets which I have found should last until I am full.

I seem to be making about 1 - 1.3 million per hour.

11 Mar 2016, 8:09pm
JacknyfeUKI have a AspX setup for mining. 7 bin refinery, 1 prospector and 2 collector limpets. I tend to fire a prospector and let it analyse the asteroid. I know you can shoot a chunk off but I prefer to use the limpet. I also tend to dump the lower value chunks as they come into the refinery so I only keep the more valuable ore. With 96 tonnes in the cargo hold I usually load 40 limpets which I have found should last until I am full.

I seem to be making about 1 - 1.3 million per hour.


This is my goal with my AspX build! Nice to see it is quite viable!

I can't wait to start using Prospectors again. First used them on the Cobra but had to ditch the Docking Computer to make space. I totally lost the knack for manual docking and it was terribly frustrating!!
11 Mar 2016, 11:22pm
I go back and forth on mining. It gets boring after a while, but then once I do some trading and bounty hunting, I start to miss the zen of it. A few mining runs in a pristine ring, away from a RES, is a whole lot like fishing - doesn't really matter what you catch because just the process is pretty relaxing. Throw in the occasional "bite" and the experience is pretty darn gratifying.

A short while ago I worked up to a Python with the specific intent of using it for mining. It did well, with dual medium mining lasers and the top refinery and collector limpet controller. I haven't the attention span while mining to juggle multiple prospectors, but three collectors at once really do make short work of a ripe asteroid.

It seems to me that the better the prospector controller (or collector controller) the richer the asteroid yield. I've read on the ED wiki that prospecting an asteroid doubles the yield, but I think it's possibly more than that, depending on the equipment. Can anyone confirm?

Anyhow, I got bored, converted the Python to a trader, and have to say - trading at volume (256+ tons) makes for steady, easy income. It may not be as fast at making money as marauding in a HazRES, but it's steady and relatively safe income. At over a million per 15 minute run, it gets dull too, but the steady reward makes the grind worth it.

I'm currently saving up for a Type-9 to outfit as a mining platform. I always check the BB for mining missions when I come back from a run, but rarely pick up those missions before going out. I'm sure it's just my perception but whenever I'm holding a mission for mining, that item seems exceedingly elusive.
12 Mar 2016, 2:20am
Thanks for the feedback. I think I know where I went wrong.
I was mining in a metal rich ring. After watching a few video tutorials I may give it another go with a different setup.
Will have to keep doing it till I get it right.
12 Mar 2016, 4:50am
BeachwalkerThanks for the feedback. I think I know where I went wrong.
I was mining in a metal rich ring. After watching a few video tutorials I may give it another go with a different setup.
Will have to keep doing it till I get it right.

Metal rings is where it's at. Rocky only has painine if you're lucky, but mostly low value minerals.
12 Mar 2016, 8:39am
I can only stand mining for a limited time during CGs. The process is too slow for me. 4 mining lasers strip an asteroid clean fast enough, but the limpets take ages to collect the stuff. Considering to fit a Corvette for mining. Could have two 7A collectors there with 8 limpets total and still 256t cargo space.
12 Mar 2016, 4:16pm
James Hussar
William Lordland
Jack Dekerdt
William LordlandHi,

Why when I am approching a station, my engines get turbo without any action from me ?
Note I have a X55 RHINO Hotas, but I don't observe this kind of behavior in other games.
So I don't think that it is a default of the joystick or throttle


Interesting. I use the X55 and do not observe this issue. I do use controlled engine, thrusters, boost, to maneuver about with more precision and at times it seems like i am travelling fast  as I approach the station, a much larger object. Is it possible it is just that illusion for you or are you forgetting to reduce engines as you maybe go to thrusters and boost as you approach the slot? Just some things to check.

Thank you for your answer.

No I am absolutely sure that it is an unexpecting effect.
It is exactly as if I sould have press the "turbo" command.
But I am sure I didn't press it because it is configured on the "E" button on the throttle.
For those who know the X55 throttle it is situated on the right throttle, in a place where I can't press it by mistake.

But in spite of everything the reaction is that the turbo start...
Very difficult when you are approching a landspace .. !!!

To be sure I will change the setup and remove the action "turbo" for a moment...
I will see if the phenomenon disappear


I experience something similar, when approaching an in-system destination in supercruise. As I get almost close enough to begin slowing down, the ship accelerates without my having touched the controls at all. It feels as though it had been straining against resistance and suddenly that resistance is gone - like climbing out of the gravity well of a planet, but there wasn't one.

I have an X52 pro, FWIW.

I notice this more when exploring or mapping a system than I do when just casually supercruising point to point and dropping out of SC.

hI all,

It seems that since I change the setup of my throttle, and keep my turbo mode on my keyboard the turbo mode don't start alone.
Perheaps a bad contact on the throttle.

Thanks for your answers, always pertinent.

12 Mar 2016, 4:49pm
Sometimes this appears to happen when you leave a gravity well. When you come out of FSD near a star and then you start Supercruising toward a station, it takes some time to get out of the star's gravity well, or the gravity of any close planets.  Keeping throttle maxed, you can see your speed/top speed starting to increase and sometimes it is an abrupt jump that seems like a "TURBO BOOST" when you are out of any gravitational influence.  There is no BOOST mode in Supercruise so I doubt it is anything to do with your throttle.

If not in SUPERCRUISE and approaching a station, are you going into AUTO DOCK? That will take over and boost to get you lined up with the station for docking.
12 Mar 2016, 6:11pm
James HussarI go back and forth on mining. It gets boring after a while, but then once I do some trading and bounty hunting, I start to miss the zen of it. A few mining runs in a pristine ring, away from a RES, is a whole lot like fishing - doesn't really matter what you catch because just the process is pretty relaxing. Throw in the occasional "bite" and the experience is pretty darn gratifying.

I feel exactly the same way about it. It's a meditation-like exercise for a while and then the sameiness kicks in. After some death and destruction, I am drawn back.

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