Elite: Game talk
08 Dec 2024, 11:28am
08 Dec 2024, 11:47am
Zero DucksHello! Greenhorn player here.
I have a Power (Archer) mission to sell exploration data in Flousop, but when I try to sell it in Salk Hub, it just doesn't register. Not yesterday, not today
Anyone with the same problem? Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Never had one of those missions but do you turn in the data to the Universal Cartography guy or as a typical mission from Missions board?
08 Dec 2024, 12:39pm
08 Dec 2024, 1:05pm
Atusia DuvalWhat's really annoying are the many gankers in the systems where the fights against Thargoids take place, Sol system, etc. Even players who go on rescue missions are often intercepted and shot down in systems with mega rescue ships. In the last few days it has often been seen here at Inara that 32 murders by gankers have taken place in this system in half an hour. Especially for many new players, the open mode is a very good experience of fighting together against Thargoids. It's just more fun than fighting alone in solo mode. But gankers are magically attracted to it and they have fun spoiling the game for others. What I don't understand, however, is that there are players who carry out rescue missions in open mode. I would always do such rescue missions in private or solo mode. Even if I want to fight Thargoids, I always fly into the AX combat zones in private or single player mode first. When I arrive in the combat zones, I switch to open mode to fight together with the other players. As a rule, there are no gankers in the AX combat zones because they are attacked there by Thargoids and their weapons are not suitable for this.
Which is smt star citizen has. Everyone can see criminal players location if they commited grevious things. Then u either pick a special missions to hunt em or just put bounty on em. Or even let ATR hunt em constatly. Gankers should have consequences for their actions and why fdev did not come out with this, i have no clue.
Gankers have their place in elite, true but i wont tolerate em having no consequences and pissing off new players.
08 Dec 2024, 1:19pm
SalmoneaCan you imagine them in real life? Just finding some guy on the street next to a supermarket and starting to shoot for no reason? Or driving full speed into a car waiting at a red light at an intersection? It’s a really dangerous mental issue. I think someone should study the behavior of these people and examine whether they pose a real-life danger to others, because it’s definitely not normal.
The psychology of those bullies are similar...
Good you mention this game, and other where gankers haver a niche.
Just reminds me that I lost my Anaconda to the station authority because I was so disabled I got stocked next to the landing pad...
Anyway, those recent Interceptor kills are heart lifting because I struggled so much to get the first, then once you know how to do it it becomes a little bit easier, I still have a lot to learn...
It's the first time I can say I don't hate the Anaconda, I have tried them in Exploration and Passenger Transport, I didn't like them at all, but this fit seems to suit me well, no regrets, Tiger Lily is 100% part of my fleet now.
About Pre-built ships, I have been unable to stack two Engineered Class 5 on my Krait MK II (I'll write a ticket), No such problem with the Anaconda, I ran out of Materials before I could complete the fit, some HULL REINFORCEMENT PACKAGES are still Grade 4...
Last edit: 08 Dec 2024, 1:41pm
08 Dec 2024, 1:27pm
Sir SprockettYou could be making just a tactical mistake which sites do you go to fight in open and solo, and what ship/weapons are you using?
having the best results with the Chieftain, Got into some fight with the Pre built Krait but found I did not have the finishing off power that the Chieftain does. Been killing scouts and got a Medusa in open with other Commanders, in SOLO I can not win. And lost about 12 mill in rebuys. Having fun through
For solo mission go to low intensity zones. Kill scouts first, don't engage with 2 interceptors though scan one of them always the strongest one so NPCs will have a better chance to do some damage to it. Scouts stop re-spawning around 40. After you eliminated them, engage cyclops first after the kill, move to the second now alone interceptor. You should be doing OK with cyclops and basilisk though medusa is tougher and it is not a fair fighter. It has ability turning into a brick so you need a skill to recognize when it happens and boost away. After you kill them all, alone hydra will arrive. Don't engage her, it would take too long and too expensive(ammunition and repair limpets) to kill it. For hydras go to ax at surface ports in open where other cmdrs. are. Rule number one - don't lose your ship. Don't be cmdr. Hero but cmdr. Solo, I am fighting goids not to safe humanity but to earn credits and inara vanity medals.
Last edit: 08 Dec 2024, 8:33pm
08 Dec 2024, 1:40pm
Sir Sprockett
having the best results with the Chieftain, Got into some fight with the Pre built Krait but found I did not have the finishing off power that the Chieftain does
It looks like pre-built KMKII is fitted for titan missions. Change torpedo for another axmc and you don't need 64T storage, change it to 8T (eight limpets is enough) and put instead 5D HRP GR5 Heavy/Deep. This is my KMKII.
Last edit: 08 Dec 2024, 2:01pm
08 Dec 2024, 2:08pm
Franz EberhoferIt has ability turning into a brick so you need a skill to recognize when it happens and boost away.Ow. And when that does happen? How do I recognise it?
08 Dec 2024, 2:17pm
MeowersFranz EberhoferIt has ability turning into a brick so you need a skill to recognize when it happens and boost away.
Ow. And when that does happen? How do I recognise it?
Well, when you are shooting all your weapons at it and it does not take any damage when it should be so take a break and then re-engage. Also medusa stays 100% strong to the very end, don't get fooled that she lost all her hearts, she still could kill you if you are not paying attention what is happening to your hull. She is cunning fighter.
Last edit: 08 Dec 2024, 2:26pm
08 Dec 2024, 3:31pm
ThinderAnyone knows what causes those modules to turn RED LOW POWER?
Lack of pips in SYS.
08 Dec 2024, 3:57pm
RawnuThinderAnyone knows what causes those modules to turn RED LOW POWER?
Lack of pips in SYS.
Thanks! I also realize that it is needed for the Pulse Neutralizer, that's where lack of experience is showing...
08 Dec 2024, 5:54pm
Franz EberhoferSir Sprockett
having the best results with the Chieftain, Got into some fight with the Pre built Krait but found I did not have the finishing off power that the Chieftain does
It looks like pre-built KMKII is fitted for titan missions. Change torpedo for another axmc and you don't need 64T storage, change it to 8T (eight limpets is enough) and put instead 5D HRP GR5 Heavy/Deep. This is my KMKII.
can not see your build. Inara says no.
08 Dec 2024, 6:26pm
08 Dec 2024, 6:52pm
Franz EberhoferWell, when you are shooting all your weapons at it and it does not take any damage when it should be so take a break and then re-engage. Also medusa stays 100% strong to the very end, don't get fooled that she lost all her hearts, she still could kill you if you are not paying attention what is happening to your hull. She is cunning fighter.Thank you, I guess I should be prepared next time I see one. Their ability to werewolf into construction materials do really seem nasty. I'd prefer them turning into pizza though...
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