Elite: Game talk
10 Dec 2024, 6:04am
Anything other than Flak useful against swarms? Even if only somewhat or overkill.
They are quite irritating in AXCZs. In hyperdictions/Solo/face-offs, they're manageable with the usual cold mechanics and flak, but I'd like a way to shut them up when engaged with other targets. Maybe Shards to the face?
10 Dec 2024, 6:42am
IndyThinder This system is done (Groombridge 34), I'll have to find another one.
Wow, Thinder! I just looked at your Thargoid kill count, after you asked about tracking. Your numbers have skyrocketed during this Sol event. Impressive!
Any reason you're sticking to Scouts and Cyclops? Seems like you could take on Basilisks etc., if you're chewing through those so quickly. Just getting used to the build and rhythm?
I don't chose. I go to a system, select a CZ and kill what's showing. I figured how to use the SHUTDOWN FIELD NEUTRALISER, when I do it right I can start lasing the Interceptor straight away, scan it and start shooting at the target heart, it's easy enough, it glows.
The build is OK but now I have a problem jumping into the systems; in one of them every station was shut down and there were one or two Interceptors doing intercdiction to it, impossible to repair and I was losing too much HP.
I'm moving my Carrier to try other systems because if I have to go back to the Carrier, without any kill, it's not worth it.
First Solo Interceptor kill, after an interception, I bugged out before the swarm of Scouts were in range.
Last edit: 10 Dec 2024, 7:01am
10 Dec 2024, 7:48am
IndyQuestion for the wider group, especially anyone that knows AX well:.
Anything other than Flak useful against swarms? Even if only somewhat or overkill.
They are quite irritating in AXCZs. In hyperdictions/Solo/face-offs, they're manageable with the usual cold mechanics and flak, but I'd like a way to shut them up when engaged with other targets. Maybe Shards to the face?
only the flak launcher can kill swarms, no other 'normal' weapons work. they can be quite annoying but in AXCZs you just have to ignore them pretty much since they get aggroed so easily
10 Dec 2024, 9:51am
IndyQuestion for the wider group, especially anyone that knows AX well:.'Well'... Uh. But I'll try to answer, lol.
Anything other than Flak useful against swarms? Even if only somewhat or overkill.
They are quite irritating in AXCZs. In hyperdictions/Solo/face-offs, they're manageable with the usual cold mechanics and flak, but I'd like a way to shut them up when engaged with other targets. Maybe Shards to the face?
Nothing. I'd like to have an overkill solution to blast the shit out of them, but Flak is currently the only option. I heard that Flechettes are able to do some poof from time to time too, but their efficiency is even lower. Perhaps evading swarms is the only viable approach for AXCZs, they're too chaotic in their behaviour to score Flak kills consistently like it was in solo hunting.
10 Dec 2024, 10:41am
10 Dec 2024, 10:47am
Aurora Adair-Levine
They are quite irritating in AXCZs. In hyperdictions/Solo/face-offs, they're manageable with the usual cold mechanics and flak, but I'd like a way to shut them up when engaged with other targets. Maybe Shards to the face?
In which system are you? Shard doesn't work against Swarms, I ignore them...
10 Dec 2024, 11:25am
MeowersIndyQuestion for the wider group, especially anyone that knows AX well:.
Anything other than Flak useful against swarms? Even if only somewhat or overkill.
They are quite irritating in AXCZs. In hyperdictions/Solo/face-offs, they're manageable with the usual cold mechanics and flak, but I'd like a way to shut them up when engaged with other targets. Maybe Shards to the face?
'Well'... Uh. But I'll try to answer, lol.
Nothing. I'd like to have an overkill solution to blast the shit out of them, but Flak is currently the only option. I heard that Flechettes are able to do some poof from time to time too, but their efficiency is even lower. Perhaps evading swarms is the only viable approach for AXCZs, they're too chaotic in their behaviour to score Flak kills consistently like it was in solo hunting.
At worst they could have offered size 3/4 options of a flak launcher for ships with that hardpoint size to make use of it, because the pitiful ammo limit makes it completely worthless without tons of synths in the space CZs, and trying to clear a Medusa or Hydra swarm repeatedly with the existing means is just A, not worth the time, B, painful as anything because they like to form a giant circle of doom.
Especially when said Hydra that has neither entered rage mode nor lost a heart once yet immediately makes the swarm go back up to full when you’ve started thinning it out.
10 Dec 2024, 7:55pm
10 Dec 2024, 9:31pm
Vasil VasilescuI am going to say no, since their in-game 3D models have different contours.
Makes sense. LOL
11 Dec 2024, 3:36am
Plus, last time it was like I was on my own in the CZ, the alien attacked a ship, I went for assist but not a single human actually came for help, they all were in a corner of the CZ... What's going on?
Oh yeah, I forgot, I went to sol and ended up like this without a fight...

Last edit: 11 Dec 2024, 6:12am
11 Dec 2024, 6:58am
ThinderI got the feeling that I'm not gonna be able to go to the next stage and kill 10 basilisks: First I can't find them, second I spend more time looking for a system where I can get to an AXCZ (if there is still one) without being intercepted by two Aliens and lose 10% or more HP without the possibility to repair once in the system.
Sometimes they drop around damaged stations along with the usual Cyclopses, but mostly you find them in NHS with threat level 6 or 7 (not always though). But try finding a Medusa, those are the real elusive ones. I've racked up enough Interceptor kills (Cyclops, Basilisk, and Hydra) for a Tier 5 medal, but Medusas? Hard to find outside of NHS of threat level 7 or 8 (which could also spawn "just" a Hydra or a Basilisk).
You could try the so-called “Pleiades Zoo” - namely Pleiades Sector MI-S B4-0, a short hop from Asterope, where you find all sorts of interceptors, with the caveat that currently you will be solo most of the time.
11 Dec 2024, 7:57am
You could try the so-called “Pleiades Zoo” - namely Pleiades Sector MI-S B4-0, a short hop from Asterope, where you find all sorts of interceptors, with the caveat that currently you will be solo most of the time.
Thanks for the tip! I'll try later, hopefully this war is gonna last a little longer.
I've only seen a couple of Basilisks and one Medusa in Interdictions...
11 Dec 2024, 9:36am
Anyway, this means that from tomorrow on we'll be bombing Cocijo and given how much players are involved, without FDev fiddling, the Titan should be down by Sunday? Monday the latest. Or they pull a Raijin and extend its lifecycle to Wednesday. What happens then is anyone's guess...
Last edit: 11 Dec 2024, 10:55am
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