Personal content

Real name
Scarlet Tiberius
Place of birth
Alpha Centauri
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Once a loyal member of the Empire, Tiberius rose through the ranks to become a highly decorated commander, revered by many for his unwavering loyalty to the Empire and his bravery on the battlefield.

However, Tiberius' loyalty to the Empire was tested when he uncovered a corrupt plot within the upper ranks. Shocked and disillusioned by the discovery, Tiberius confronted his superiors, but his accusations were met with hostility and dismissal. Feeling betrayed by the Empire he had devoted his life to, Tiberius was consumed with a desire for revenge against those who had wronged him.

Determined to strike back at those who had betrayed him, Tiberius turned to a life of piracy. At first, his raids and heists were motivated by a desire for revenge and a need to survive. However, as he grew more successful and gained a reputation as a fearsome pirate, Tiberius formed a close-knit group of friends he had met along his travels, and together they formed the pirate squadron known as The Black Swans.