Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
LHS 3447
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
77 kg / 170 lb
Build type
Dad bod
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
West Country
Born from great, great ancestors who farmed on Sol, Sithilis turned to basic mercenary work after acquiring his own Sidewinder and set off from LHS 3447. After several successful missions he upgraded his ship to a Cobra which he converted to a mining vessel and began mining basic materials for resale in nearby systems.

Sithilis and his 2 basic ships decided to reside in Altair where he became aware of Elite Rares and began trading them to earn enough credits to buy a Type 7 hauler. This enabled him to haul more commodities and trade more items while continuing to mine basic materials.

Credits were in short supply so Sithilis turned back to mercenary work and bought a Vulture and discovered engineering. While not having the knowledge or materials to expansively try engineering he carried on regardless with mercenary work learning as he went.

Sithilis disappeared from the bubble for 5 years and came back to find the galaxy had changed. Mining now had much better returns, planets could be landed upon and now fleet carriers were being built for multi-purposes. Only having 40m cr to his name since his disappearance, Sithilis decided to try mining once again in the new LTD rush era. He had enough credits to buy a Beluga to haul passengers.

His first passenger mission was to a black hole near Colonia. This took over 3 weeks to complete and many discoveries were made for both geological and biological matters. The Beluga only had a jump range of 11ly so after much research and fact finding at prison colonies in the Eagle Nebula, Sithilis was determined to engineer a ship with improved jump range.

After returned successfully, Sithilis purchased a Diamondback Explorer to continue exploration missions. He travelled to the ancient Guardian ruins as he had heard of stories of ancient technology for improved jump range. After a few days of acquiring the relevant materials, he engineered a vastly improved jump range and continued mining for more resources to improve ship capabilities.

The next purchase became a mining Python and as commodities became harder to come by, longer was spent mining. He then purchased and engineered a Type 9 mining ship and that's where considerable wealth became apparent. Several mining ships later Sithilis had purchased and engineered the ship he had been wanting since setting off from LHS 3447 - an Anaconda. Fully engineered and a formidable fighting machine, Sithilis then re-signed up to the Federation and also continued to fight for his people in Altair and Bhritzameno.

Being despondent in Bhritzameno, Sithilis looked to new horizons for a new challenge while fighting for the Federation. He got in touch with Canonn research centre an they took him on as an apprentice. Setting up a base and moving some of his assets to Arine he fought for science and was successful in overthrowing several factions after taking them to war, seizing assets and property in the name of science.

Sithilis occasionally returns to Bhritzameno where his family resides. He returns with commodities for profit and cartographic data before continuing his quest for knowledge of the galaxy via the codex.

Currently Rating 5 with the Federation and Lt. Commander in the Federal Navy. Sithilis is very loyal and honourable. He fights for what is right and only kills those who are threatening peace. He has many friends in various systems and leads a simple life as a miner and trader.