Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Pilot Information
Full Name: Lilith Doragon
Unique Licence Registration (CMDR): Lilith2980
Date of Birth: 30th March 3280
Gender: Female

Physical Description
Height: Approx 165cm (5ft 5in)
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Hazel
Features: Long Hair goes down past her shoulder blades. No other notable features*
*Amendment: Following events that took place within Citi Gateway she now has a small bullet scar on her left shoulder blade. Her left hand is now badly scarred from having a smoke bomb detonate unexpectedly in her hand and refusing the cybernetic treatment recommended to her. Despite there being no lasting damage, she often keeps it covered with a black leather glove but keeps her right hand uncovered to provide unhindered access weapon triggers.

Born in a Planetary Settlement in the Sol System. Her Father is a High ranking official within the Federal Navy and as such was absent for the most part, while her Mother was a crew member aboard a passenger ship but only did short range trips to allow for parenting. She had a close relationship with her Mother despite still being a troublesome child at school, while Liliths sister was a high achiever in school and has since gone on to follow her fathers footsteps within the Federal Navy. This left Lilith often struggling to shine in her sisters shadow and despite earning her Pilots Federation Licence not long after leaving school, never felt she had a direction to go in. Further disconnection from her family was brought about when the passenger ship her mother was aboard was attacked by an Empire aligned Wing looking to kidnap one of the Federal officials aboard, resulting in the deaths of multiple crew members, including Liliths mother. Since then, Lilith has despised both the Empire and the Federation as she holds them both responsible. It was also at this point she left Sol.

While there is a lack of specifics regarding Liliths activities after leaving Sol, it is known that she fell in with a band of Mercenaries who at first wanted to hold her to ransom after learning of her parentage. However she quickly proved her dislike for the Federation by guiding these Mercenaries through security checkpoints and, on occasion, Federal battle tactics when confronted. Once they trusted her enough, they trained her to fight on her own both with and without weapons. This ultimately led to her challenging the leader for authority, which she won, then sending the rest of the crew on a fake mission on a rigged ship. The wreckage was discovered several days later, no survivors. It is believed this was her plan all along for taking her against her will.

Lilith has been known to participate in acts of Piracy, Smuggling and even conflicts against both the Federal and Imperial security services. On several occasions she was seen to turn up in Federal-Imperial conflict zones and targetting specifically the Heat Sinks aboard the Capital Ships, regardless of which side they belong to, simply because she is acutely aware of how expensive these ships are to repair.

No matter the details, it is clear that Lilith has earned her reputation as a ruthless, fearless and incredibly capable fighter both in and out of her pilots seat. While many lawless factions have tried to recruit her, she has remained stubbornly independent of all of them, while those that attempt to force her cooperation, often end up unheard from again.

Other notes include
- Owns multiple ships, but favours her Python (The Spearhead) for it's multi-purpose capabilities.
- Has no known allegiances but is known to fly with a small crew and has considerable influence over some Minor Factions in varying systems.
- Despite their poor relationship, Lilith used her family connections to gain access to highly classified materials and equipment before leaving. The identity of her accomplice remains unknown.
- Trained in mixed martial arts and in the use of a wide range of weaponry, her short stature often allows her to catch foes unprepared.
- Often has bladed weapons hidden on her person owing to them being easier to conceal than guns.
This character is an alt created by Luke3107 for the purposes of Thing writing and RP.