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Hunting Pirates & Claiming BlackHole Discoveries

After a lot of buying & selling core items in a few docks we have managed to get the Anaconda to jump 30lys whilst laden with 64units of cargo.

We have included;

1 x SRV Hanger
1 x Mining Laser
1 x 2 bin refinery
Prospect Limpets & Collector Limpets Full

So our Blake7 Anaconda can Jump good distance (34lys unladen) currently (32lys) + go on planet patrols in deep space with 1 SRV Dune Racer + Mine HIGH end materials and resources from planets over 15,000lys away whilst still carrying some Medium Gimbaled Beam Lasers just incase we come across unwelcome parties.

All in all - its lost some of its punch in a battle - however its currently a great exploration ship averaging 20-30 new Blackhole Claims Daily
The ship loadout is unknown.