A derelict ship, found floating in the orbit of a dark moon at the outskirts of the galaxy. The bulkhead above the commander's console has twelve names etched into the enamel. The names were originally thought to be of the ship's previous crew, but the ship's malfunctioning AI ceaselessly speaks of the terrors out in the black. It speaks of abandonment, of loss, and of selfishness. Perhaps the names belong to the commanders who this ship exchanged hands with. The ship won't acknowledge me, instead it continues its hopeless rambling no matter what I say or do, just speaking slowly and quietly. I crossed out the last name on the list as the others before it had been and etched my own below it. The futile monologue is almost drowned out by the hum of the freshly repaired engines. Almost.
Maybe I'll get used to it.
The ship loadout is unknown.
The ship loadout is unknown.
The ship loadout is unknown.