World of Oceans
15 Apr 2018ZethG
System : Bleia Eohn QY-L c10-4
There are some magnificient landscapes at Bleia sector. One of those are at Bleia Eohn QY-l c10-4. Two water planets are orbiting each other, A1 and A2. Closest ones to the central star. Atmosphere and composition are very close to the earth conditions. Although, gravity is nearly %30 lower. Which is not a bad thing anyway. Probably feels a bit lighter. It is like a paradise for everyone.
Resupplied our water rezerves here, from the salty ocean. Water refinery is fully operative and almost purifed %85 of the rezerve. Some of the crew went to swim. They say, even the surface temperature is fine and they started to get tan. I am planning to join them soon. We still have some time to spend, until the water refinery finish refining.
There it is, next surface shuttle is ready, and waiting for me.