Logbook entry

It's Crunch Time.

29 Nov 2016NickTheGrey
Since my last log entry I've reached Sagittarius A* and completed the trip to the Great Annihilator. The Hrafnkel suffered some light damage trying to enter that system - nothing the ship couldn't handle but she will need a coat of paint when we get back to a workshop.

After scanning the two black holes that comprise the Great Annihilator, I set course for the nearest star system and jumped out. I still haven't decided if I'm going to head back to the Bubble or continue on to Colonia. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the facilities out here will be able to handle upgrades for Python-sized vessels but there's also the extremely limited range of ships available for purchase. Granted I'm still a long way from owning a workable Anaconda but still...
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