Destination: Barnard's Loop...
20 Feb 2016NickTheGrey
... By way of the Witch Head Nebula!It's been about six months since I was last out exploring beyond the Bubble. That had been on a journey toward the Core but this time I was headed in the opposite direction. I've recently undertaken a mapping / exploration trip down to the Pleiades and was surprised to find so few stars inside the cloud. Barnard's Loop on the other hand has plenty of stars in and round the area so I've made that my next destination. Now that the ship is kitted out with the Advanced Discovery Scanner and an SRV Hangar I'm ready to make the trip a good one.
En route to Barnard's Loop I decided to detour to the Witch Head Nebula and take some pictures there. There looks to be a great deal of potential for some amazing pictures of the phenomenon.
While travelling to the Loop my plan is to scan each system as soon as I enter it, to stop and scan the arrival star if it's the only body in the system and then move on. Yes it's only 1000LY or so to travel but that can take a long old time if I'm scanning every single body in each system along the way. Once I've arrived, I will be far more thorough about the data I'm collecting.