There But For The Grace Of God Go I...
08 Mar 2016NickTheGrey
It has barely been eight hours since my last journal but given what I've just encountered, this felt like the perfect time to add to the record, as it were.While continuing my trek toward Barnard's Loop I found a Water World. Definitely a photo opportunity I felt would rival anything I had so far:
With just two more planets to chart before moving on to the next system, I laid in a course and brought the engines up. That's when I saw it creep into sensor range. I thought I was pretty good at identifying starship types from their silhouettes and frame components but there was simply not enough left of this ship to make a positive ID.
Whatever it was, there's nothing of worth left of it now. I've made a note of the system in which I found it so I can make a report when I get back to the Bubble but beyond that there's nothing I can do. I documented the area and the wreck as best I could and then I headed back to the mission at hand.