Leytra's Space Log - 04
01 May 2018Leytra
Logbook Entry: Stardate: 981333.3453501314Logbook Entry, Lundwall City, LTT 1349.
I'm concerned, I returned home to the loft from some.. special operations around the empire and found an interesting message, on my bedside table. This is not normal, my security system is both a special custom design, and closed circuit. It logs everything that happens, 24/7. Every biological lifeform that enters the building, every door that opens, cupboard and fridge included. According to that system, which is completely impossible to interface with as it has no inputs and only one monitor output, nothing has come in or opened a door since I left. So, unless the intruder was a robot (unlikely) and teleported into the room (so unlikely that it's the realm of science fiction), then the only explanation is that someone managed to alter a security system that literally has no interface (still ridiculously unlikely). It isn't this security breach that concerns me though, it's the contents of the note that has me packing emergency supplies in each of my ships. It stated, in clean mechanically printed letters, 'Operation compromised, your identity is known. Take care.' Now, I don't know what this operation being mentioned is, the only theory I have is that strange errand I was ordered to perform by East India could be the reason for this. But for Zarquon's sake, has nobody in this century heard the phrase "don't shoot the messenger"? I just transported that crap, It's not my problem what happens afterwards... especially with a cargo like that.
I fear my policy of not asking questions of a fat paycheck may have gotten me into some trouble beyond that of the norm.
End Log