Leytra's Expedition Log - 02 a short interlude
31 Aug 2018Leytra
Logbook Entry: Stardate: 981665.8889900832 Various different bits of space
So, with the news of these new thargoids possibly being based where the Gnosis is about to jump, I found myself a good bit concerned by that. Now this beluga is a luxurious thing, nice and comfortable, she sure as hell isn't a warship. So I hauled my arse back to the bubble and bought her a few weapons, some guardian tech to keep me alive and take a few down. Now, my hopes are that I won't have to use this kit mainly because I rather avoid conflict, but I'm definitely ready to do so if the goids decide to get uppity with me.
I'm scanning the galaxy as I hop back, taking the 'scenic route' as they say.
No matter what though, I'm still going on this damn adventure, goids or other be damned.
Supplemental Logbook Entry
I've geared the whale up with some guardian fighter tech and anti thargoid weapons, I'm hoping it'll be enough to keep me alive if the thargoids attack the Gnosis. I'm currently making what is likely my last refuel before I finish my journey back to the megaship. Once I arrive I'll return aboard and hope they kept my spot open. I think tomorrow I'll hop around and scan some more nearby systems, make me some good money when I dock back with the ship. Here's hoping it all goes well though.
End Log (for real this time.)