Long live the King
30 Jun 2018Webster 962
I finished salvaging the crashed ships, clearing my mystery tip off list.I headed back to Imperial space, and finished ranking up to King, unlocking the cutter and the last permit. Nothing too risky, just data running as before.
Next I headed over to Felicity Farseer and unlocked her, and while I was there I also upgraded the FSD on the Cobra a bit. However, I hit a wall with a lack of Chemical components.
Also managed to end up in gaol and lost Hotblack Sundive III after opening up on a wanted ship parked up in the no fire zone near Farseer Inc, and the settlement turrets made short work of me. On the plus side, it upgraded me to 'Mostly Useless', I mean, 'Mostly Harmless'..
Long Live Hotblack Sundive IV
Got back to Dadelus and splashed out on an implulse buy, a Type 6, the 'Bulldog'.