Engineering and a spring clean
28 Jul 2018Webster 962
Spent the last few weeks farming the mats needed to engineer both my Beam lasers and my power plant.A spot of illicit cargo running unlocked The Dweller, and a spot of mat trading covered the few remaining ingredients.
I decided if I'm going to upgrade the Kerr Avon, I should ditch the ships I no longer need, so after stripping some of the kit from them, I sold the Hotblack Sundive, the Bulldog and the Scutter.
So it wasn't long before I'm equipped with 3 x G3 beam lasers and a G5 (almost) power distributor.
So a quick spin to a RES, and wow, those beams just cut through those ships!
And then pride comes before a fall. I quick easy run to a Combat sight hunting 8 ships, and I took on one too many at once; and soon missiles tore through my hull sending me to a rather expensive rebuy screen!