Logbook entry

Engineering and a spring clean

28 Jul 2018Webster 962
Spent the last few weeks farming the mats needed to engineer both my Beam lasers and my power plant.

A spot of illicit cargo running unlocked The Dweller, and a spot of mat trading covered the few remaining ingredients.

I decided if I'm going to upgrade the Kerr Avon, I should ditch the ships I no longer need, so after stripping some of the kit from them, I sold the Hotblack Sundive, the Bulldog and the Scutter.

So it wasn't long before I'm equipped with 3 x G3 beam lasers and a G5 (almost) power distributor.

So a quick spin to a RES, and wow, those beams just cut through those ships!

And then pride comes before a fall. I quick easy run to a Combat sight hunting 8 ships, and I took on one too many at once; and soon missiles tore through my hull sending me to a rather expensive rebuy screen!
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︎1 Shiny!
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