Cmdr Yumasai
Miner / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
NSTV Vastator
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette YUM 01
Overall assets
Nova Science Team
Zemina Torval

Logbook entry

The Federation opens fire on the Imperium!

05 May 2021Yumasai
May 5th, Year 3307

Location: Conflict zone in orbit of Paresa 2, Paresa


Not the best of times to write, as I am fairly busy these days. Yet, I am writing this because of the fact that the Federation has decided to open fire on Nova Imperium without a conclusion from ACT's investigations being published at the time of writing.

Together with Captain Nohla and Admiral Tobirama, I headed out to support local forces, only to find them fighting a Farragut-class Battlecruiser. So, then, the Federation has dared sending battlecruisers into Imperial territory unwarranted? This is no little feat, and I am certain that the Emperor will NOT be pleased.

As to the galactic community, I wish to ask you to think this through now:
The Federation has attacked, WITHOUT AWAITING FOR EVIDENCE to be published. Fight for what is right in these dark times; Fight for the innocent Imperator, Hadrian Augustus Duval! One can sign up for the Imperator's Navy following this hololink:

I really do wonder what has motivated the Federation to make this move. Is it some innate need to avenge their former Vice President? Or, are they rather trigger happy? It just pains me, that in these trying times, a superpower such as the Federation, which prizes itself on being the best civilization in the Milky Way, decides to attack pre-emptively an Imperial faction without having any compelling casus belli at the point of writing.

Nova Navy members forcing the Federal Battlecruiser to rout from Paresa

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Praetor of the Nova Navy; Nova Imperium's Naval Arm
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