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TheSuperDeviousOne's Raxxla Theory

29 Sep 2024SuperDeviousOne
Raxxla might be a wormhole that can connect one point of space to another point anywhere in the galaxy making it possible to travel the galaxy at will. Any journey using a wormhole would take minutes not years.

How to open the wormhole (Raxxla):

You eject the thargoid probe, link and sensor into space, honk the thargoid probe which shuts down your ships electrical signal while having the below thargiod biological matter in your cargo hold it will trick the sensor into thinking you are a thargoid then the link connects all tech opening a thargoid wormhole connectting one point in space with another. I have not yet figured out how to activate the link nor get all the tech to work together.

Technology needed:

The Sensor: Detects electronic signals, techology and biological matter.
The Probe: Shutsdown human ships signiture which makes human tech undetectable by the sensor.
The Link: Connects one point in space to another or connects technology needed together?

So you use the above tech with tharoid biological matter in your cargo below:

Thargoid cyclops tissue sample
Thargoid biological matter
Caustic tissue sample
Thargoid heart
Thargoid resin
Organ sample
Bone fragments

Everything needed to trick a sensor into detecting a thargoid ship.

Why do we have acess to all the materials of a thargoid ship? Why does the probe shutdown our ships electrical signal temporarily? It is more than likely another red herring but it seems so logical to me.

This is what I forgot, this is what I was researching before I woke up in a hospital bed on the galileo ocellus starport in sol system.

I have to go back and continue my research.....
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