Logbook entry

Logbook #30 Pulling the Thread



[User: Isabella Levine]

"Alright. I woke up this morning to hear the news about another bombing. Stillman Hub. I was there a few months ago trying to learn from the people there. They knew I was an Imp but they also knew I was truly trying to see it their way. Trying to see how they lived and how they wanted to run their government. I stayed there for a long while and made maybe not friends but acquaintances that would recognize me if I went back. Ughhh...so of course when I heard it got bombed I went to help with evacuations. Didn't see any recognizable faces while I did my runs. I mean there's hundreds of thousands of people and all I have access to as a temporary evac ship is this Type 6 with limited space for each trip. I'm just really...really getting tired of terrorists. Every and each type. I believe there's only so many people or things you can step on before you get bit. Question is, is the bite poisonous?"

"You see I'm looking into this particular case that's personally affected me, my father, my blood, and I want to know why he's being targeted. I've already started and to be completely honest I'll push evacuating people aside to continue my search. I have questions and they'll be answered. I just have to pull the right thread. I'm not the government either so I don't have red tape to stop me. There are no laws to follow. I mean think about it...the ACT, the Feds spying on its own people infringing on privacy. Any of this stopping these terrorists? No. They're not. There's too much bureaucracy and red tape with these superpowers and it gets nothing done. Unless you're Feds who decide to just spy on its own people regardless. Wonder if they figured out yet why there's succession happening in their own power and they can't control it. Point is, I'm not bound. If I gotta get my hands dirty to figure this out then I will. I already made a contact that's willing to help. Problem is that this contact wants me to do a few jobs, some of them not necessarily legal. I don't have much of an option so I'm planning this job. I won't go further than that because this is a public log and I don't need Feds or anyone breathing down my neck."

"Look, three months ago I sat in Stillman Hub and watched people live their lives like they wanted. Children playing games and enjoying the life you can have in space. Now the place is a smouldering heap of burning atmosphere and twisted metal because terrorists didn't like the fact that they weren't represented and elected or whatever. It's sad...but all this furthers my drive to find out who's after my father and my disdain for those who hurt the innocent. Pull the right threads and follow the line, right? Leads somewhere. Anyways, thanks for listening I suppose. I'll be back with an update so bye for now."
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