I am back home
11 Oct 2018SenpaiLJ
My journey started on 4 OCT 3304 and last for about a week, some 400 systems explored and charted. Each of these systems was of no interest to my charter who wanted me to take her some 17,000 ly away from Shajn Market.We traveled to some the brightest stars I had ever seen in my life and also came across some neutron stars. The Journey back was just as hard, traveling as quickly as I could for I missed home and conversations with people other than my passengers. I would think to myself how do these explorers do this job? There are only so many audio files I can listen to and holo-films I can watch with out going crazy in the emptiness of the 'verse.
When we finally made it back home, the sweet sound of station control filled my ears, "Welcome home commander." It was an amazing feeling.
I think I wont do something like that again for a while.... unless the credits are right.