Logbook entry


13 Oct 2021Jav Marlo

21 SEP 3307, somewhere on Imperial Space

They have given me back my gear including my weapons and recorder. But they are keeping my ship though. I am at their mercy now. I better play my cards well or I will spend the rest of my life as a slave on an Imperial prison planet, or something worse. I am walking over thin ice now. (Sighs) But let’s start by the beginning. The Majestic-Class Interdictor that appeared right after The Pride of Alacagui Cutter escaped from Ayumi was the Imperial Freedom, but I did not knew that until later.

A Majestic-Class Interdictor approaching the Pegasus

I was dead in the water, my thrusters inoperative, and I prepared for the worst, expecting one of the Interdictor’s laser beams to vaporize me. Instead of that, the gigantic ship slowly continued approaching my ship. No comms or messages came from it.

The Imperial Freedom closing on the Pegasus

Once they were upon me, the flight bay opened and the Interdictor swallowed my Imperial Eagle like a toad swallows a fly.

The Imperial Freedom swallowing the Pegasus

I thought they did not want to leave any proof behind, hence the comms silence, so instead of waiting to be obliterated while floating merciless on space I started considering finding myself very soon in front of a firing squad. I wondered if Ayumi had managed to get out of this, and thought that, in case she might come back looking after me, she would not find a derelict, or debris or anything.

The Imperial Freedom orbiting Achenar 4a

There was a squad waiting for me at the flight bay, but they did not fire at me. Instead, they removed my weapons and gear and guided me to a cavernous lounge. I guessed that was the lounge for the pilots of the fighter compliment of the ship.

Jav Marlo on the combat lounge of the Imperial Freedom

The guards there scanned me and then I was pushed forward towards a corridor. Nobody talked to me or answered my questions. The guards just guided me through the place with gestures. They clearly had instructions not to engage on any kind of conversations.

Jav Marlo inside the Imperial Freedom

I walked the corridor under the silent and attentive watch of the guards. They were wearing full body armour and assault weapons. I would never have a chance against them, at least not unarmed. The clacking of my magnetic boots against the steel and the buzzing of the fans pushing air through the ducts were the only audible sounds.

Jav Marlo walking through the corridors of the Imperial Freedom

I arrived to the cell block section thinking that was my final destiny but, to my surprise, another corridor opened and I was guided to a much pleasant part of the ship.

Jav Marlo arriving to the cell block section of the Imperial Freedom

By that moment I estimated I was entering the mid section of the ship, and it had nothing to do with the ominous and practical combat decks of the bow. Suddenly the corridors went white and the wall panels appeared profusely decorated.

The mid section of the Imperial Freedom

I had never been inside a Majestic-Class Interdictor before, but the word majestic does not make justice to it. They might be mighty fearsome warships, but on the inside, the look more like an incredible luxurious yachts. Now I understand why they call them mobile embassies. They are designed for comfort, nothing alike the sturdy Farragut-Class Battle Cruisers.

The Imperial Freedom Majestic-Class Interdictor

To my surprise, the guards watching over me disappeared, and a flamboyant official very politely asked me to follow him. I felt really confused and out of place on my working suit while we walked through the long elegant corridors to the stern section of the ship. After some minutes, we arrived to a big airlock and the official told me to deactivate my magnetic boots. Then he gently pushed me onwards I floated inside a huge ring section that generated artificial gravity: the ultimate luxury on space.

The stern section of the Imperial Freedom Majestic-Class Interdictor

I could not believe it. The internal rotating ring section had lots of green areas and entertaining facilities. It looked like a luxury resort for super wealthy guests. I was led into a big structure in the middle of the interior ring promenade that held the biggest and most luxurious office I have ever seen. The official asked to wait there standing and left the room to my surprise.

The internal rotating ring section of the Imperial Freedom Majestic-Class Interdictor

After some seconds that seemed eternal to me a panel on the room slid and a dark lean figure appeared on an Imperial Navy uniform. I stayed froze on the site when I realized it was Admiral Denton Patreus himself, senator of Eotienses and commander of the Imperial Fleet.

Denton Patreus

He took a cold look at me and then sat on his desk consulting the numerous screens. He said that the incident with the Pride of Alacagui puts him on an uncomfortable position and that its implications were beyond my understanding. He also said that it was still soon to know the outcome of this unfortunate situation, and that my presence there was a very destabilizing factor that might have been miscalculated. He said all these unaffected, distracted by the numbers and figures on his screen. I did not understood a thing, but his sole presence was enough for me to understand the scope of the situation.

Then he said that he would like me to expend some days waiting as his guest in Eotienses. It may have seem like an invitation, but the tone he uses sounded more like an order, and I was in no position to refuse.

“Waiting for what?” I somehow dared to ask. “Waiting for me to decide if you can be useful”, he said, and this time it sounded like a threat.

Right after that, he pushed a button and the flamboyant official appeared again and asked me to follow him.

The Imperial Freedom

And that was it. I was guided back to the bow section and they returned my gear and weapons. I asked about my ship and they said it was being repaired and that they would return it as soon as possible. And then, to my surprise, they took me to the flight bay where an Adder from Apex Interstellar Transport services was waiting for me. I could not believe it. They put me on a taxi.

Jav Marlo embarking an Apex shuttle at the Imperial Freedom

I must confess that right now, while flying on the cargo bay of the shuttle, I am seriously considering knocking out the pilot and stealing the ship. But I need to know where is Ayumi and what is going on with the Pride of Alacagui. And, besides, I won’t make it very long on an Adder. And then there is of course Patreus. If somebody like him is personally involving himself, I think we both might be in a greater danger that I thought.

There is nothing I can do for now. Just wait to see where this shuttle takes me and try to get more information about what is all this about.

Jav Marlo signing out

Jav Marlo travelling on a shuttle towards Eotienses
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