Logbook entry

What Happens When We Die

14 Jan 2016Sxtxixtxcxh
Decided to head back toward Eravate, to maybe set myself up with something nice in the case something happens to my ship and can't cover my insurance costs. I'm thinking maybe a shifty little Viper.

Interdicted at LHS535 by a fed at an anarchy system... he'll be waking up at a station soon wondering what hit him and I'll be 30 LY away.

I'll update again when I get there... just a few more jumps.

Decided to be a show off, since it's been a long while since I docked at Cleve... "Safe Disengage? That's for newbs" ... I dropped out 37km out... classic. One of these days I'll smash right into the station.

Headed out to a nearby station on the hunt for an A3 power plant for this Viper and that's when my network died.

I'm starting to think I should have went with a Cobra. It seems I'm building a surface racer, and not a backup "Oh What? I Have To Respawn In The Newb Sector" ship. Ah well... I'll have to figure it out another day.

On a technical note, it would seem my flight log is inaccurate, but it's better than no log.

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