Logbook entry

Visiting Commander Has Left

19 Dec 2019Cpt Krovatchski

    We had CMdR Partin on board today to assist with some war efforts.
He as well, asked about the transmission that is on repeat.

I told him you don't care

I told him I don't care

One of us has to turn it off and i obviously cant

I trashed that speaker and now the onboard AI is pissed.

We managed to lose a couple fighters on board while he was aboard the ship
By "lose" i mean we actually have no idea where they are
And by "we" i mean PFC John Kelly.

I sent Commander Partin to unit F63-A5 and we cant find it. We cant fucking find it, anywhere.  According to the computer, it refueled upon docking on the ship yesterday, and then was moved on its rails to hangar A5, where it was 6 hours ago. But not 3 hours ago.

PFC John was last clocked 4 hours ago in A5 for detail and inspection.
My Condor is now missing. And by "missing" i mean Its not fucking there. Apparently it isnt anywhere.

I didnt realize that a Condor was secretly a 10mm socket and capable of just fucking vanishing.

CMdR Partin performed beyond standard, and has been compensated for his help in the fights.

- CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
Now I have to find a 10mm socket AND a fighter on this damn ship.
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︎2 Shiny!
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