Logbook entry

Combat Report

20 Dec 2019Cpt Krovatchski

Per protocoll this report details the battle report at wise 1506+7027

0400 encountered enemy fleet of purple boys faction

0402 launched 2x condor F63's to support

0403 Victor AI  detected cargo theft in progress.

0403 vanessa engaged Al Tiberon

0404 CMdR Partin dropped in

0404 CMdR  Partin engaged Al Tiberon

0405 The Cortas Die engaged  Juan Barbera

0405  The Cortas Die  engaged Hahn Webber

0405 The Cortas Die Launched Torpedo Silo 1-4 at Al Tiberon, his Alliance chieftain was destroyed, Mark K.I.A.

0406 Vanessa Engaged Juan Barbera

0406 CMdR Partin engaged Hahn Webber

0406 The Cortas Die sustained heavy damage to Thruster 2

0407 The Cortas Die engaged wanted Felon Archer Wayne

0407 The Cortas Die Launched  Torpedo Silo 5 and 6 at Hahn webber.
His Cobra IV was destroyed, Mark K.I.A.

0408 The Cortas Die Lost Valuable Cargo To Scoop Malfunction

0408 CMdR Partin  Fragmented  Juan Barbera's Canopy. He was vaccumed into the void. Mark K.I.A.

0409 The Cortas Die Sustained heavy damage on deck 3, The brig was purged. All prisoners are confirmed deceased.

0409 The Cortas Die Sustained Heavy damage to Thruster 2. Flight assist brought offline. Thruster 2 is scrap.

0410 Engineering Brought Shields online, The Cortas Die Launched Torpedo silo 6 again.

0410 Pvt John Kelly was confirmed as being Inside Torpedo silo 6.

0411 Vanessa Melted Thruster 1 on  Archer Waynes Imperial Clipper

0411 Autopiloted Condor Fragmented Archer Waynes Cooling reactor

0411 CMdR Partin Hull breached Archer Waynes ship, Scans Indicate a Life support Failure

0412 The cortas Die Armed The 4A Plasma Accelerator

0412 The Cortas Die Sucessfully Split Archer Waynes Hull, Multiple causalities purged into the void.

0412 Archer Wayne Purged cargo and attempted to flee

0414 The Cortas Die Launched  Missile rack tube 1 and 2

0414 Archer Waynes Imperial Clipper was destroyed. Mark K.I.A.

0415 Pvt John Kelly was discovered hanging on to Vanessa's Condor in a space suit

0415 Vanessa returned to dock with John  on her wing

The conflict ended with zero Federation casualties excluding prisoners.
The Cortas Die  will need extensive repairs before it can continue with the mission, limpets are sealing hull fractures.

- CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
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︎2 Shiny!
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