Logbook entry

Hull is back in order.

21 Dec 2019Cpt Krovatchski

   The ships hull has been repaired to battle quality again. We are ready to continue deployment.

Id like to also file a report in regards to the case in question, regarding the battle that occurred last night.
I would like to stress the fact that no one on board the ship had any idea that Pvt John Kelly was Inside of Torpedo silo 6, and no intention to harm him was involved in the firing of said silo, which the crew believed was reloaded.
We argue that john was heavy enough to resemble a load on the sensors, which made the computer believe it had been reloaded. We did not fire said silo to harm him. But we do find it fucking hilarious.

In other news, vanessa would like to file a complaint against Pvt David, as he has been following her around recently and accusing her of trying to steal him from his "girlfriend" and has been making strange comments to her in regaurds to aspects of her body.

I for one, think no further action is needed, as he got his ass handed to him by the elite class pilot, who is apparently an avid practitioner of martial arts.

Command, she stuck his head in the air lock and damn near sucked his eyes out his head, and proceeded to litterally whip his ass.

I understand that this behavior is uncalled for, and we should wait for proper authority to punish anyone for any wrongdoings. That being said she has been reprimanded, and it definitely has nothing to do with bringing john back from the depths of the void.

- CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
Definitely nothing to do with that.
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