Logbook entry

3305 12 21 file

21 Dec 2019Cpt Krovatchski

Captain, I sense something is troubling you

Victor, i really don't want to talk right now.

Your heart rate is elevating beyond resonable parameters

Victor, its late, stop reading my vitals. I dont want to talk right now

Captain, why have you opened the winter contingency protocol?

Why are you questioning me? Who runs this ship, me, or you?

You are the Captain, Captain. I am only tasked with aiding you and the crew, as well as running the ships vital systems

If i didnt know any better, I'd think that was a smart ass remark.

Captain, the data you are accessing is highly classified. My systems show we are not to access files with this level of security

Victor, if i opened it, and have read it, its not classified to us, is it?

Processors unable to comprehend yes sir, i understand. This file is alarming, such data is best left unknown

Victor, its my job to know things, its your job to calibrate things and keep us alive

yes sir, except John

Uhh strike that one i didn't say that to you.

sir you explicitly said in the event of certain death or if someone must be sacrificed to save the crew and or ship, it would be John

Victor this is something you should just remember and never say, hold on shut up

yes sir, shutting up

Quiet dammit.  This part here "in regards to operation windfall, maximum casualties are expected and acceptable as long as the operation is sucessful in..." holy shit

Sir, your heart rate is rising,  I do not think that we should be reading this

Victor shut the hell up. Wait, are you recording this?

No sir

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︎3 Shiny!
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