Logbook entry

Who even reads this

22 Dec 2019Cpt Krovatchski
Im still up. The long rage sensors arent going to stare at themselves

I started thinking, i am different from command because i dont sit in a chair all day and stare at a screen.

Stare at a screen and send out orders, monitor sensors. Listen to bullshit.

But then i thought wait. I fuckin do. And if i was me and me was command,

I wouldnt even read this shit.

Who would?

Is someone reading these??? Or am i sending in these reports and inquires and updates, only to have you know what im doing anyway?

Fuck, am i being watched? Where is the camera...
Its not in the toilet right?

Who is command anyway?

Do you enjoy your time by watching me descend into madness, and ignoring my reports?

If you have a camera in here, can you figure out where i lost my 10mm socket?

Does this mean i can get a copy of John being fired out of silo 6?
Id kill for that.

Im going to be committed if i dont get sleep soon.

Bless the Federal Navy and their evergrowing wisdom, their choice to send me this far into dead space didnt come as a shock at all, because i certainly wasnt expecting to return to port and be praised for my work, or fucking paid at the very least.

No i love flying 500C into a void while my crew takes turns throwing things at Enrique, who has escaped and is still robbing the crew. He got me 3 hours ago for a whole bag of almonds, crazy prick.

- CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
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