Logbook entry

Mission exceeded known parameters

27 Dec 2019Cpt Krovatchski
You slimy, greasy shitwad.

Coal Dark sector.

We had no idea. What the hell. You couldnt have warned us?
You knew what we were getting into from the start.

Whats worse is I Knew.

Dont worry, we eliminated that old world data.
At the cost of that entire ships crew

A whole colony ship, gone. So many lives.
Why the actual hell couldnt we just go in and manually get it?

John is losing his mind. Maybe you didnt hear the screams, but i did. Vanessa burned alive inside her condor.

He thinks they had a "thing". She definitely had a thing for him, but it was a violent one.

Enrique had to be tranq'd
Too much bullshit for me to deal with him right now.
No one is talking to eachother. Even David shut up for once, hes not even whining, which is unusual.

We know what we did.

-CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
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