Logbook entry

Sidequest, Day 3

29 Jun 2015Latimer
It was good that I changed my destination. Running into a nice set of unexplored, but the realization that when encountering new places, saying to one's self that you can come back later to finish the sweep is unlikely. The Cosmos is so vast, and even with the furious note taking, the odds of me coming back to a system to scan a few iceballs is very slim. There is a sadness to that, and something should be done to reward/encourage complete system scans.

Noticing the average scans per pilot is going up in the Sirius Expedition. I feel like that's a good thing, though I don't think it will ever get to level 10 (I had more hope a week and a half ago)

So, a little more out here, then getting back to Lembava. After that, we'll see what kind of dedicated fuel hauler we can build...
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