Second Logbook Entry - Exploring New Worlds
17 Apr 2022VladmirMcDoogle
Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition. "Today was fairly uneventful. I'll take that over snapping back from a daydream to see that I've almost collided with a planet or star. It happens more than it should... I really should be more careful. I must have jumped through several hundred systems today. Discovered quite a few new planets, mostly high metal content worlds so nothing too special. Stratum Tectonicas is fairly common on them though and that's what I'm after. I've nailed down another 50 or so just today. Before long the Pilot's Federation will be honoring me with the rank of Exobiologist V! As long as I can get the data back safe and sound, that is.
Another great thing about all this Stratum hunting is the boost to my Pilot's Federation Exploration rank. I could end up close(ish) to Elite V Exploration after all this Stratum is said and done with. Two birds with one stone as some say! Maybe I should get a bird. I could keep it in the cockpit with me to keep me company. On second though, that's a terrible idea. Thargoids have blown my canopy out too many times for that. Maybe I could get it a little bird space suit... Okay, that must be the space madness talking. Focus up man, come on.
Okay so that was the update for today. Nothing major. I'm going to try to grab a few more pictures while I'm out here. It's beautiful. I'm in an area where the stars are bright and clustered together and there's simple terrestrial life all over the place. Might make for a nice postcard.
Commander VladmirMcDoogle signing off."
Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.