Seventh Logbook Entry - All Elite V First Thing in the Morning
22 Apr 2022VladmirMcDoogle
Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition. "I have the data I need for Explorer Elite V rank. I could have turned it in at Colonia, but I was thinking things over on my way there and by the time I finally arrived I had made up my mind. I need to go back to the Bubble anyway, so why not turn it in and hit all ranks Elite V at my named station? VladmirMcDoogle's Triumph, indeed! It only delays my status with the Pilot's Federation by a single day so no big deal. It'll make for a great story and that's what I'm trying to do out here, after all.
So now I'm jetting towards VladmirMcDoogle's Triumph with all haste. No scanning, searching, or photography. Just honking, scooping, and jumping. Easy stuff. I'll change my photography vacation from the Colonia region to my new destination. Not a big deal. There's plenty to explore no matter where you are outside of the Bubble. Okay, I said I'd keep this one short. Need to stay focused.
Commander VladmirMcDoogle signing out."
Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.