Making the right decision
14 Jun 2021mariedess
Once in a while it really hits cmdrs that they don't have to experience the galaxy in the way they have been told to. Any Cmdr can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a bit of intellect and a lot of bravery to move in the opposite direction. That is what I did, I made my stand, and the Great Collide as I like to refer it to, --happened. Well I have to tell ya, I was not born for one corner of the bubble, the whole galaxy is my native land. The biggest addiction I have is to discover the unknown. I know that once it takes hold of me, there is no getting out, and the only way for me to get my fix is by pushing myself out of my comfort zone to explore those new places and to explore new cmdrs in the galaxy.
After all, a ship in a starport is safe but in reality, ships were never built to stay safe. It is not the strength of the ship that counts, it is the strength of the spirit inside of that ship. I come across a great deal of cmdrs in this realm, and I notice that most think courage is all about facing death without flinching. Well I couldn’t disagree more with this concept. Almost anyone can face death without flinching. Almost anyone can hold their breath without screaming for as long as it takes to die. Let me que you commanders in on a little secret of mine.
True courage is about facing life without flinching. I am not referring to the “times when the right path is hard, but glorious at the end.” I am talking about enduring the boredom, the messiness, and the inconvenience of doing what is right. It is about doing the right thing when nobody's looking, and doing the unpopular things because it is what YOU believe in; and to heck with anybody who opposes your views!
Everyday I fire up my engines and everyday I try something daring, no matter how afraid, insecure, intimidated, alone, or ridiculed with paralyzing emotions I might feel. I take action, cmdrs… No matter what! So what if I am afraid? I will be! I can be scared silly to the point of trembling and nauseous, but you best know, I am going to do it anyway! I stand for what I believe in.
I cannot have pride in who I am as a commander without having the courage to hold my head high.
I board the Draconian Prospect and seize the day! Off on a little conquest for a nice refreshing break from the galactic grind.
Be seeing you in the black cmdrs…. o7
Cmdr Marie of the Pale Tongues Squadron