Logbook entry

Arrived at Pegasi Sector CG-X c1-15 to check on the distress signal after some ranking up at Sothis and Ceos

02 Feb 2021Grea Phantom
I finished the missions at Sothis and Ceos that got me to rank in the Federation. I switched to my Viper and Asp after having my Anaconda destroyed.

After ranking up to Ensign, I decided to head out to Pegasi Sector CG-X c1-15 to respond to the Pilots Federation requested search for the origin of a distress signal from Serene Harbour picked up in Swoilz XX-D c1-30.

I did some surveying and mapping on the way and racked up  20,328 LY and  60,028,412.00 CR.

It turns out the Theta Seven, a prominent member of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army, personally sent an encrypted message to the Pilots Federation containing the surface coordinates of the prison he was being held in.

Theta Seven was one of at least 12 NMLA members, designated "Theta Group", who were captured from a bomb-making facility in the LTT 1935 system that had been raided by the Imperial Internal Security Service. IISS turned the group over to the Imperial Intelligence Service for interrogation at Serene Harbour on January 20, 3307. On January 26, a supply shuttle remotely disabled Serene Harbour's security systems, then deployed a unit of Imperial soldiers who exterminated all staff and prisoners except Theta Group, whom they departed with. Theta Seven apparently tortured Commandant De Luca to death before leaving.[1]

On January 28, the Pilots Federation requested a search for the origin of a distress signal from Serene Harbour picked up in Swoilz XX-D c1-30. In an audacious move, Theta Seven personally sent an encrypted message to the Pilots Federation containing the surface coordinates of the prison to assist the search.

I'm going to just stay back and see how all this plays out.
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︎1 Shiny!
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