Into the Black: Crash Landing
17 May 2023Tranquil (BORGGY)
LOG 8:17th May, 3309
Yep, you read the title...
Whilst I was exploring within the Izanami section of the galaxy, didn't get very far which was probably a good thing in itself cause...I crashed. See, I'd tried to pull of a neat trick called "flying upside down", and well the clutches of gravity took me and my ship and got a good scraping (I died, shh).
Fortunately had a distress beacon on me and somebody from Colonia sent someone, nice fellow, managed to repair not all but the essentials for my ship. So here I am back at Colonia with my ship fully repaired and ready to go again. Question is, should I go back to where I crashed or another area of the galaxy? Maybe Odin's Hold, and not to far away from Colonia like Izanami.
Maybe pop to the centre of the galaxy, take a look at it (again)