Logbook entry

Pleiades Nebula - Xenological Research and Defense

16 Oct 2021My Parable
Oct 16, 3307

Day 27 2319 ZULU: Ive decided to keep a log of this as I think it may be of use to someone in the future. Last night's voyage was a success. With the exception of one heatsink, no cargo, equipment or crew was expended. Our destination is Delphi; the crew will be relieved once we arrive. We've been traveling for days. With how much they've been working to keep Achilles up and running, they deserve a meal cooked by a real person. For now all of us will have to enjoy whatever Victor decides "What is best to ensure rations will not deplete, Commander." This guy's getting on my nerves; why does the ITC require us to have this anyway? Either way, I want this crew to be able to rest. None of us have never seen Thargoids except for Dimitri and he barely lived.

[Daily Logbook ends]

Oct 17, 3307

Day 28 0238 ZULU: Dark Matriarch is where we make our respite for the evening. What this station lacks in food, it makes up for in shelter and cozier rooms for the crew tonight. Soon we sail again.

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