Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

INRA Base - Velasquez Medical Research Centre

19 Mar 2018Robert Phillips
Following my investigation into the logs at Hogan Depot, I was directed to LP 389-95 7.

I arrived in orbit and performed a detailed scan of the planet. Nothing obvious at first, but then I registered a faint signal. I headed down to investigate, and found an abandoned base at coords 57.9668, 50.0331: Velasquez Medical Research Centre.

INRA markings were printed on some large silos, and there were 5 Settlement Comms Log Uplink points around the site that I was able to scan for information:

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…

Personal Log: Kiona Li, Senior Medical Officer

I don’t know who they were, exactly. Some corporate bigwigs. But they definitely convinced the board.

I can’t say I’m surprised. They offered a lot of money for access to our labs apparently. The board probably didn’ t even ask what they wanted them for.

At least I got the bosses to promise the lab wouldn’t be used to make biological weapons. This is a medical facility, after all. I will not be bullied into participating in this so-called war just because some corporation gave us their money.

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…

Personal Log: Kiona Li, Senior Medical Officer

It turns out they want us to make some kind of vaccine, an antidote for an unnamed biological weapon.

They’ve given us samples and data, but whenever we press for more information our requests are met with silence. We re working in the dark. With our hands tied behind our backs.

In practical terms we’ve got everything we could need, but I have no idea where half of it comes from. They’ve given us material the weapon has been tested on, both organic and inorganic, human and nonhuman.

I’m starting to wonder if the weapon is even designed to target humans.

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…

Personal Log: Kiona Li, Senior Medical Officer

We’ve finally been given access to a sample of the weapon, and it’s opened up all kinds of avenues.

I still worry about the ease with which our benefactors acquired the samples, but I’m probably just being paranoid. They obviously have deep pockets. Having access to unlimited funds must open all kinds of doors.

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
Personal Log: Kiona Li, Senior Medical Officer

After months of research the solution ended up being pretty simple. Once you break it down it’s a fairly straightforward organic compound – little more than a fungus, really.

We tested the vaccine on some of the older samples, and while it doesn’t undo any existing damage, it does prevent the weapon from doing any further harm.

Our sponsors certainly seem happy.

…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
Personal Log: Kiona Li, Senior Medical Officer

The lab is being dismantled. Seems our sponsors want to move us to a new location. Their representatives appeared a few days ago, demanded that all data be transferred to their servers and all samples be put into storage, ready to be moved.

Why are they doing this? The lab more than meets our needs – they made sure of it. I tried to talk to them, but I just got stonewalled. Apparently all information is on a need-to-know basis. And I don’t need to know.

In keeping with INRA's pattern of staying on the move, the base was obviously wrapped up as soon as it had served it's purpose. It's reassuring to know that a vaccine was developed, but historical records are vague on whether or not it was used.

Unfortunately, with no indication of where the medical research team moved on to, I was at a virtual dead end.

The I remembered my contact had given me a list of star systems that might yield further information:

I laid in a course for the closest system: Teegarden’s Star.
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