Cmdr Robert Phillips
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
The Cosmic Pilgrim
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom RP-12A
Overall assets

Logbook entry

INRA Base - Stack

24 May 2018Robert Phillips
My previous INRA base logs (Carmichael Point) had demonstrated that INRA were unprepared for the strength of a Thargoid fleet, and their weapons test had been ineffective.

So what next? My next lead took me to HIP 8887, where a system-wide scan revealed an Unregistered Comms Beacon in orbit around HIP 8887 A 1 transmitting a recorded message carrying an INRA signature at 30 mins past the hour:


It referred to system HIP 7158, where I had already located the INRA base Hogan Depot at HIP 7158 A 2 D, but there was also a reference to a delivery made to HIP 12099 1 A.

I engaged my Hyperdrive and travelled there immediately.

HIP 12099 1 A is 1 of 2 Rocky bodies orbiting a Class II Gas Giant. A detailed surface scan of this planet revealed a signal source at coords -72.6561, -67.3629. I descended towards the surface to investigate.

A few km out from the surface, I saw an abandoned settlement: Stack.

This settlement was a bit bigger than other INRA bases I'd seen so far, mainly due to a prominent structure that contained an octagonal pit, apparently used as a holding bay for Thargoids while they were being experimented on. The bay still contained remains of previous Thargoids that had been placed within it:

This observation was confirmed by several logs discovered around the base:

Living Specimen 1/4
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Personal log 1/4…

Complex molecular chains detected
Bonds weakened by corrosive agent
Unable to identify agent
Structural analysis complete

Organic material analysed
Possible contaminant identified
Composition scan complete

Always the same results. I keep telling them: there’s only so much we can do with the samples we’ve been given. We need a living specimen.

Living Specimen 2/4
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Personal log 2/4…

Apparently they listened to me. We’ve been asked to build some testing apparatus and a secure enclosure. I drew up a preliminary specification but was told that the enclosure needed to be more robust.

These creatures must be tremendously strong.

Living Specimen 3/4
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Personal log 3/4…

The specimen arrived today. The security reports indicate that it made several escape attempts, the most recent of which results in a number of deaths. We must take every precaution.

The specimen appears to be in poor physical health, but it’s undoubtedly alive, and it will certainly serve our purposes.

Living Specimen 4/4
…Bypassing security protocols…
…Secure connection established…
…Personal log 4/4…
The specimen is highly resilient and seems to be able to withstand severe physical trauma, even to the point of losing limbs. I am reminded of pulling the legs off spiders as a child. Fortunately, testing on a nonhuman means no legal red tape to slow things down.

Tomorrow we will begin experimenting with chemical and biological weapons. These creatures may be tough, but we will find their weakness.

As I read the logs, I felt a growing sense of unease at INRA's actions, and I didn't feel comfortable staying at this site any longer considering what went on here. Experimentation on sentient beings, no matter how hostile they are, is against my principles.

I lifted off from the planet's surface and laid in a course to pursue my final lead at Ain.
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