Log #0001: Building my personal fleet—all is well so far
02 May 2022Zemedelphos
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As of this point in my career, I have my sidewinder, adder, diamondback-X, and type-7. With the cashflow I have now, I am considering what ship to purchase to have a medium-tier combat ship. I would not be opposed to recommendations from other commanders who read this, should they be both able and willing to point me in the right direction.
I do quite look forward to getting my hands on a good mid-tier combat ship. The last time I attempted to join a conflict zone started well enough...but it quickly went south after a couple of confirmed kills.
As a side note, my personal goal to attain a Sol permit is proceeding apace once again! Now that I've returned to heavy federation space, I'm finally able to take on the Navy missions on offer.
Zem out.
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