Logbook entry

unexpected attention

12 Dec 2023C. Instinct

Captain‘s log – AIRV Big Sister
Date: 12.12.3309
Condition: GREEN
Location: ARQUE

Entry 39:

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into now… No, this time it’s not about angry thargoids stealing my pods, caustic clouds melting my ships or mutinous crewmen plotting in my hallways. No, this is about something far scarier than all that: RESPONSIBILITIES!
Remember how I talked about me being just a small time scientist happily doing my own thing a few logs ago? Well That’s all over now it seems! I have been publishing my Logs on the AI network and some other channels for quite some time now and even though I received some engagement every now and then, my work seemed to go largely unnoticed. Well not anymore it seems! Only a few days Ago I was quite surprise to find an entire article about me and my research in the AI’s main events forum! Not only that, apparently there has also been some restructuring going on in the AI’s organization and somehow I got appointed the head of the AzCorp’s newly founded science division! ME! With my own division as part of a larger organization!!?!? OH BOY. OK, ok, so far the entire division is only me and my carrier but what am I gonna do if it attracts more members??? I can barely manage to keep my own carrier crew in line by bribing them with donuts but I doubt that will work on other high profile scientists! At times like this I hear the void calling me again and I get the urge just take my carrier away on a long expedition somewhere far off from all civilization… but I can’t leave now. I don’t want to get away too far from the ongoing “Thargoid situation” for the time being. Another Titan has just recently been isolated and I am still convinced we are gonna see a major shift in their behavior soon. I don’t wanna miss that! Also my new position might give me an opportunity to realize some projects I have been thinking about but never expected to able to pull off on my own. For example: A while back I was bold enough to attempt some surface operations on an active thargoid spire. First all on my own and then again with some help of my good old buddy Litening. We had... limited success and ran into a quite some trouble with the thargoid ground forces patrolling the site. But with a larger operation… I might be able to use the AzCorp science division to get together an entire team of commanders willing to poke around in thargoid territory with me, or at least recruit some bodyguards to watch my back while I do the poking…

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