Cmdr Eric Vonsa
Special agent / Diplomat
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Lavigny's Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

CMDR'S Log 13

15 Aug 2024Eric Vonsa
06:00 Galactic Standard Time
CMDR Eric Vons POV

The engineering of my FSD took a few days longer than I would have liked. I now need to go pay a visit to Liz Ryder however. I now need to get my powerplant engineered and in order to do that I have to get her to introduce me to someone who knows how to do that. While Liz Ryder specialized services are more geared towards missiles and other explosive firepower she does do some hull armor upgrades. I'm going to start with my ship hull and hope that gets me where I need to be.

Aurora isn't exactly pleased with the trip. The system is technically under Denton Patreus's control. However, due to Liz Ryder having ties to the Blue Mafia the system is almost always in a state of anarchy meaning that imperial laws are completely disregarded. That makes it a criminal activity hotbed. Which means lots of pirate interdictions. While she understands why we're here and the goal. She's not exactly pleased about the risks. After much consideration and debate I have proposed that I leave her aboard the megaship Prelude to Victory. Aurora wasn't exactly pleased with the idea of me dropping her off on an Imperial controlled megaship as it technically means I am committing dereliction of duty.
"Commander, I don't think you should just leave me alone here." Aurora said as she entered the cockpit. "You are supposed to be my chief of security and pilot." She continued. "My Lady. With all due respect, this is a Imperial controlled megaship. You want to see the galaxy? This is it. These are the sort of systems that you don't frequently see." I responded. "The sort of systems I avoid unless it's necessary." I added. "I have already explained why we're here. Trust me. I would rather be in a different system than this one. But you have 3 options. You can either remain here, I can drop you off at your palace on Chione, or you can ride with me in my Cobra MK lll and let me do my job while upgrades are applied to my ship. It's your choice." I stated. "Ugh, Fine. I'm going to stay with you because I trust you with my safety more than I trust the megaship crew. But just so know that I won't forget about this." Aurora growled.

"Hey, your the one who decided to try their hand at doing the things that ordinary imperial citizens do everyday. While I haven't let you fly or anything else yet. You are still getting the experience most receive." I commented. Aurora just glared at me with her arms crossed. "Now, My Lady. If we're done with this conversation I can get us out of this system for good far sooner if you'll let me get back to work." I said. Aurora stood there for a minute before taking the copilot seat with a sigh.
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