Blight made me sick
30 Nov 2019RetiredNavyIT1
Not really sure what happened. I just know that I've been stuck (sick) for the last month. Starting to feel a little better. In fact, I was able to get out and do a little mining. Got enough to get an Anaconda. It's bare bones. I'm afraid to take it out. Going to have to recover some more before I'm able to do any work on it. But, I think I know what made me sick. Those damn monkey wrenches that worked on fixing the Vette after the blight war. My problem is that I'll eat just about anything. And if I like it - but didn't know what it was - don't tell me. I saw that they had fixed (somebody said so) the food processor. I noticed a couple of new buttons on the side panel that were not there before. So, figuring - hey, it's my ship and my processor - I pressed one of them. Machine made some noise and dinged that it finished making something. I ate it. Was good. Had seconds...well...thirds. Next thing I know, I'm down and out for almost a month. Medics say I'll be alright, just need more time to recover. And the food processor - it will not recover. It's gone. MRE's are the life for me for awhile.