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not a lot to day

01 Jun 2017spike.rog
got a call from a friend who was having trouble with pirates out side her hi tech station .so took the galactica over there to see if we could sort it out for her there was not a lot going on so decided to stay and see what happens over the next 24 hours . mean while why we were there I thought why not buy another exploration ship .so I decided that an asp would be nice but I do like the python . so thought why not and got one .kitted her out and got a nice paint job . called it voyager 7 .looking forward to taking her out but first going to engineer the crap out of her . mainly the f s d drive only got a jump range of 16 lys at the moment but want to improve on that . put an extra fuel tank on her so we can make 147 jumps without worrying about fuel mind you I would always scoop at scooperble starts to be on the safe side mind you that will help while we are still in the bubble as pirates are everywhere .so when I=will io go out exploring who knows have not made my mind up yet . and hopefully my motley crew will want come along .still there are always others who fancy a trip to the unknown reaches of space . ..end of transmission
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