Logbook entry

weekend requst

10 Jun 2017spike.rog
well its Saturday again and the weekend means a few jobs then fun time. so got a few jobs done today picked up a few bounty's on the way got to fines yes one for being trigger happy again and one for going into a trespass zone which meant the destruction on my srv .. well I also did some engineering on the voyager 7 hoping to get her fsd up a bit more no a lot of luck .still that's they way it goes . while at foreseer base a friend approached me and asked me if I would be interested on an exploration trip to find her father. all she is telling me at the moment is it will be a months trip out into the dark space which is know as the conflux .never been there before so it will be interesting .if im going to be going out that way I must know the details so I can prepare .don't know weather to take the galactica or voyager .should take voyager really that's what im engineering her up for . so may be in a few days if I can get the f s d jump range up better we shall set out . ill inform the crew later .bloody rescue missions why do people go out that far without thinking about not getting back .then its up to us hardened explorers to go and try and find them . .well it will be a nice change form missions and getting introdickted most days .and while we are out there the galactica can have some well earned maintenance
im sure my chef of engineering will like that .might even refit the whole engineer section .right got to review my days logs so until next time fly safe o7
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